Do not Inscribe on Bank Notes: RBI

It has been brought to the notice of Reserve Bank of India that mem­bers of pub­lic and insti­tu­tions write num­ber, name or mes­sages, etc. on the water­mark win­dow of ban­knotes, thus defac­ing the ban­knotes. The water­mark win­dow has an impor­tant secu­ri­ty fea­ture which dis­tin­guish­es it from a coun­ter­feit note. Any deface­ment on the win­dow will not allow the com­mon man to iden­ti­fy one of the fea­tures of a gen­uine note. The pub­lic is, there­fore, request­ed to refrain from doing any­thing that leads to defacement.

Ajit Prasad
Assis­tant Gen­er­al Manager

Press Release: 2015–2016/152

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