IT Caselaw

Doctors attending the medical conferences is allowable expenditure U/s 37

AO not­ed that assessee had incurred var­i­ous expens­es towards appoint­ment of fac­ul­ty doc­tor or assessee ‘s con­sul­tant doc­tor in a med­ical con­fer­ence. AO com­plet­ed assess­ment and made addi­tions of that expen­di­ture to assessee’s income. The CIT(A) grant­ed par­tial relief to assessee.

Before the Tri­bunal the rev­enue argues that AO dis­al­lowed expen­di­ture by observ­ing that such expens­es were incurred by staff on behalf of doc­tors and accord­ing­ly was a free­bie which was not allow­able in light of circular.

The ITAT held that expens­es were incurred by assessee dur­ing the con­fer­ences and in rela­tion to spon­sor­ship of con­fer­ences, It was abun­dant­ly clear that they were not incurred for doc­tors nei­ther do they pro­vide any ben­e­fit to doc­tors. Said expens­es were incurred by assessee in day to day course of its busi­ness and were not pro­hib­it­ed by MCI guide­lines. In med­ical con­fer­ences, doc­tors were pro­vid­ed skill set train­ing where­in live surg­eries were per­formed so as to edu­cate doc­tors about use of new tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced prod­ucts. There­fore, expen­di­ture incurred were not in vio­la­tion of pro­vi­sions of any statute. 

Held in the case of Edwards Life Sci­ence (India ) Pvt Ltd v. Dy. CIT ITA No. 1553/Mum/2016, Dt. 21.11.2018 (Mum) (Trib.)

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