
Documents Required for registration of Society in West Bengal

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Criteria:

Appli­cant should be a res­i­dent of West Ben­gal and a mem­ber of con­sti­tut­ing society.

Doc­u­ments Required:

  1. Pho­to Iden­ti­ty Proof for 1st Gov­ern­ing Body Mem­bers (all)
  2. Own­er­ship Proof for Pri­vate cases.
  3. NOC (in the form of affi­davit, in case of indi­vid­ual own­er) from the Premis­es own­er or from appro­pri­ate Authority.
  4. Pho­to­graph of all Gov­ern­ing Body members
  5. Mem­o­ran­dum of asso­ci­a­tion
    (at the end of the object clause cer­tifi­cate to be furnished 
  6. the above objects will be done as per pre­vail­ing law of the country
  7. The income and prop­er­ties of the soci­ety what­so­ev­er derived or obtained shall be applied sole­ly towards the pro­mo­tion of the object of the soci­ety and no por­tion-there­of shall be paid to or divid­ed among-est any of its mem­bers by way of profits.)
  8. Reg­u­la­tions
  9. Sig­na­ture of the applicant

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