Applications are invited from reputed Chartered Accountants (CAs) for empanelment as Internal Auditors in MAGADH UNIVERSITY, BODH GAYA for preparation and maintenance of the accounts from 2013–14 and preparation of budget of the colleges and university headquarters for the year 2015–16 extendable further for another 2 years based upon their performance.
The bid document containing detailed terms and conditions etc. can be purchased from Registrar, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya at a total cost of Rs. 500/- up to 3 PM by 15.10.2014
The firms are requested to send the above quote in two sealed envelopes separately, super scripting “Technical bid” and “Financial bid” along with a Demand Draft of Rs 500/- (non-refundable) towards cost of tender in favor of MAGADH UNIVERSITY, Payable at Central Bank of India, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, addressed to Registrar, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya – 824234 & should reach up to 3 PM by 1.11.2014
The details of the notice has find in the under mentioned attachment: