
Empanelment of Members for the Assignment of “Checkers” for CA Examinations to be held in November 2014. — (01–10-2014)

Check­ing of total­ing of marks etc. in the answer books of CA exam­i­na­tions, after they have been eval­u­at­ed by the exam­in­ers, is being assigned/carried out by mem­bers of the Insti­tute, who are empan­elled for the purpose.

Accord­ing­ly, appli­ca­tion are here­by invit­ed from mem­bers ( up to 15 years’ expe­ri­ence) to act as “Check­ers” for check­ing the total­ing of marks etc. in the answer books, in respect of the CA exam­i­na­tions to be held in Novem­ber 2014.

For details regard­ing eli­gi­bil­i­ty require­ments to act as Check­ers, func­tions of check­ers, hon­o­rar­i­um, terms and con­di­tions etc. please find attach­ment below:

Check­er details requirement

It may be not­ed that a fresh pan­el of check­ers is pre­pared for every exam­i­na­tion. Hence those who had empan­elled as Check­ers for ear­li­er exam­i­na­tions are also required to apply online afresh.

Mem­bers, who are desirous of empan­elling as Check­er for Novem­ber 2014 exam­i­na­tions, may check http://icai.org/app_forms/empanelment.html  and sub­mit their appli­ca­tions on or before 15th Octo­ber 2014.

Mem­bers who are allot­ted assign­ments of check­er will be informed through e‑mail/letter between 1–15th Decem­ber 2014.

For any fur­ther clarifications/assistance, write to us at examchecker@icai.in or call us at 0120–3054 812, 3054 858 or 495 3758.

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