Empanelment of practicing firms of Company Secretaries/ Chartered Accountants/ Cost Accountants to file application / forms/ returns of BCCL
Application are invited in the prescribed format along with documentary evidence from the firms of Company Secretaries/ Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants registered with the institute of CS/CA/ CMA having registered/ branch office at Dhanbad with relevant experience to perform the Company Secretarial Jobs.
The application will be accepted up to 07/11/2014 between 10.00.AM to 1.00 PM at the office of “Company Secretary, Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Koyla Bhawan, P.O. BCCL Township, Dist: Dhanbad, Pin- 826005, Jharkhand by hand only.
To get tender specification and further details visit website www. bccl.gov.in