
Engagement of Tax Consultants for Direct Tax matters at REC, at Corporate Office, New Delhi

Engage­ment of Tax Con­sul­tants for Direct Tax mat­ters at REC, Cor­po­rate Office, Core- 4, Scope Com­plex, Lodi Road, New Del­hi – 110 003

The sub­mis­sion and open­ing of bids will be through e‑tendering process. Ten­der doc­u­ment is to be down­loaded direct­ly from the web­site www.tenderwizard.com/REC or from e‑tender link giv­en in REC Web­site, viz, http://www.recindia.gov.in or from Govt epro­cure­ment por­tal www.eprocure.gov.in.

Note: a) To par­tic­i­pate in the E‑Bid sub­mis­sion, it is manda­to­ry for the bid­ders to reg­is­ter with ‘Ten­der­Wiz­ard’ and to have valid user ID & Pass­word. For this pur­pose, the bid­der has to reg­is­ter itself with REC through Ten­der­Wiz­ard web­site giv­en above. Please also note that the bid­der has to obtain dig­i­tal sig­na­ture token for apply­ing in the ten­der. In this con­nec­tion, bid­der may also obtain the same from Ten­der­wiz­ard. The steps to be fol­lowed for the reg­is­tra­tion process are giv­en below:

1. Go to web­site http://www.tenderwizard.com/REC

2. Click the link ’ Reg­is­ter Me’

3. Entre the detail about the bid­der as per format.

4. Click ‘Cre­ate Profile’

5. Bid­der will get con­fir­ma­tion with Login-id and Password ……

b) Steps for appli­ca­tion for Dig­i­tal Sig­na­ture from Ten­der Wiz­ard are giv­en below:

1. Down­load the Appli­ca­tion Form from the web­site http://www.tenderwizard.com/REC. Fol­low the instruc­tions as provided.

2. In case of assis­tance please con­tact the per­son under con­tact us or Mr. Sandeep ‑8800496478, Mr. krish­na – 8800900127

c) To aid bid­ders the detailed bid­der man­u­al on sub­mis­sion of E‑Bid is annexed to this ten­der doc­u­ment at Annex­ure- H

NOTE: The Bid­ders are advised to obtain dig­i­tal sig­na­ture (Lev­el 3) and reg­is­ter them­selves at www.tenderwizard.com/REC in advance. Please note that REC in no way held respon­si­ble if the bid­der fails to apply due to non-pos­ses­sion of Dig­i­tal Sig­na­ture & non registration

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