EOI for Internal Audit of Central Electricity Supply, Odisha
The Audit firms are requested to submit the expression of interest cum quotation separately for each cluster as per the prescribed format in two parts bid viz. (1) Part‑1: Technical Proposal & (2) Part‑2: Financial proposal in a sealed cover and the envelopes should be marked as “OUTSOURCED INTERNAL AUDIT EMPANELMENT, PART‑1” and “OUTSOURCED INTERNAL AUDIT EMPANELMENT, PART‑2” separately. These two sealed envelopes shall then be kept in a third envelope and superscripted as “Outsourced Internal Audit Empanelment”.
All the three envelopes should be addressed to:- “The Chief Finance Officer, CESU, 2nd Floor, IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar, Pin-751022” and shall also bear the name & address of the sender.
The Expression of Interest should be submitted within 17th April, 2015 up to 2.00 PM as per the prescribed format available from the website of the company i.e. www.cescoorissa.com /www.cesuodisha.com.