
EOI for Internal Audit of Central Electricity Supply, Odisha

The Audit firms are request­ed to sub­mit the expres­sion of inter­est cum quo­ta­tion sep­a­rate­ly for each clus­ter as per the pre­scribed for­mat in two parts bid viz. (1) Part‑1: Tech­ni­cal Pro­pos­al & (2) Part‑2: Finan­cial pro­pos­al in a sealed cov­er and the envelopes should be marked as “OUTSOURCED INTERNAL AUDIT EMPANELMENT, PART‑1” and “OUTSOURCED INTERNAL AUDIT EMPANELMENT, PART‑2” sep­a­rate­ly. These two sealed envelopes shall then be kept in a third enve­lope and super­script­ed as “Out­sourced Inter­nal Audit Empanelment”.

All the three envelopes should be addressed to:- “The Chief Finance Offi­cer, CESU, 2nd Floor, IDCO Tow­ers, Jan­path, Bhubaneswar, Pin-751022” and shall also bear the name & address of the sender.

The Expres­sion of Inter­est should be sub­mit­ted with­in 17th April, 2015 up to 2.00 PM as per the pre­scribed for­mat avail­able from the web­site of the com­pa­ny i.e. www.cescoorissa.com /www.cesuodisha.com.

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