Direct Tax

Exposure draft of the Accounting Standard for Local Bodies (ASLB) 24, ‘Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statements’ — (10–04-2015)

The Com­mit­tee on Account­ing Stan­dards for Local Bod­ies (CASLB) was con­sti­tut­ed as a sep­a­rate Com­mit­tee in March, 2005, with the main objec­tive of for­mu­lat­ing Account­ing Stan­dards for Local Bod­ies (ASLBs). So far, the Com­mit­tee has issued sev­en ASLBs and four ASLBs are like­ly to be issued short­ly. Mov­ing for­ward in this direc­tion, the Com­mit­tee has finalised the Expo­sure Draft of ASLB 24, ‘Pre­sen­ta­tion of Bud­get Infor­ma­tion in Finan­cial State­ments’.

This ASLB requires a com­par­i­son of bud­get amounts and the actu­al amounts to be includ­ed in the finan­cial state­ments of enti­ties that are required to, or elect to, make pub­licly avail­able their approved budget(s). This Stan­dard also requires dis­clo­sure of an expla­na­tion of the rea­sons for mate­r­i­al dif­fer­ences between the bud­get and actu­al amounts. Com­pli­ance with the require­ments of this Stan­dard will ensure that enti­ties dis­charge their account­abil­i­ty oblig­a­tions and enhance the trans­paren­cy of their finan­cial statements.

Com­ments on the above Expo­sure Draft are invit­ed which can be sub­mit­ted using one of the fol­low­ing meth­ods, so as to be received not lat­er than May 10, 2015:

1. Elec­tron­i­cal­ly: Click on to sub­mit com­ment online
2. Email: Com­ments can be sent to:
3. Postal: Sec­re­tary, Com­mit­tee on Account­ing Stan­dards for Local Bodies,
The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India,
ICAI Bhawan, Post Box No. 7100,
Indraprastha Marg, New Del­hi 110 002

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