Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt, of Odisha
O/o‑Chief District Medical Officer Bhadrak
Nuabazar Bhadrak
Ph.No.06784–251866 Fax.06784–251855/250605
Govt of India (GoI) in partnership with the States is implementing the National Health Mission (NHM) which comprises of various programs, with the objective of improving medical facilities in the rural as well as urban areas and seeks to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care to the public, especially the vulnerable sections. To facilitate implementation of NHM, State Health Societies (SHS) and District Health Societies (DHS) have been registered to work under the administrative control of the Health & Family Welfare Department of the State Government.
The DISTRICT HEALTH SOCIETY Bhadrak, invites Expression of Interest (EoI) from firms of Chartered Accountants which meet all the conditions and eligibility criteria hosted on the website, for carrying out the con-current audit of the DISTRICT HEALTH SOCIETY Bhadrak under NHM, Odisha.
The firm interested for assignment of concurrent audit has to apply to the Chief District Medical Officer Bhadrak along with the technical and financial bids.
Important Dates:
- Pre-bid conference: 5th November 2014 (03.30 pm)
- Last date for submission of Proposal to SHS and DHS: 11th November 2014 (02.00 pm)
iii. Date of opening of Technical bid: 11th November 2014 (04.30 pm)
(In the presence of representative of firms)
Venue for Pre-bid Conference: Pre-bid Conference would be held at the Conference Hall of Chief District Medical Officer Bhadrak.
CDMO & District Mission Director
Amended Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Chartered Accountants firms applying for undertaking monthly concurrent audit at District Health Societies Bhadrak for the year 2014–15.
- Background
The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) now renamed as National Health Mission (NHM) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (GoI) has been under implementation in the State of Odisha since April 2005 to improve health care in the State. The NHM seeks to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care to the population especially to the vulnerable sections.
As required by the GoI, Concurrent audit of accounts and related records of various programmes under the National Health Mission is in vogue at the levels of the the District Health Societies as well as the health units/facilities functioning at the Block and other periphery levels for systematic examination of financial transactions on a regular basis to ensure accuracy, authenticity, compliance with procedures and guidelines.
1.1 The emphasis under concurrent audit is not on test checking of receipt and payment transactions but on hundred per cent check of the above transactions as well as adherence to the financial & programme management processes. It is an ongoing appraisal of the financial health of an entity, i.e. to determine on monthly basis whether the financial management arrangements including internal control mechanisms are effectively working and identify areas of improvement to enhance efficiency and report the same to the stake holders every month.
For this, services of Independent Chartered Accountant firms is solicited to be appointed at Districts level to undertake monthly audits and report on vital parameters which would depict the true picture of financial and accounting health of the programmes under implementation.
1.2 The key objectives of the monthly concurrent Audit among others include
- To ensure voucher/ evidence based payments to improve transparency;
- To ensure accuracy and timeliness in maintenance of books of accounts;
- To ensure timeliness and accuracy of periodical financial statements;
- To improve accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting especially at sub-district levels;
- To ensure compliance with laid down systems, procedures and policies;
- To regularly track, follow up and settle advances on a priority basis;
- To assess and improve overall internal control systems.
- Eligibility criteria
Interested Chartered Accountant firms with the following prerequisites may apply for appointment of Concurrent Auditor to take up monthly con-current audits at the State and District Health Societies under NHM, Odisha: Sl. No. | Criteria | Supporting documents to be furnished |
1 | The firm must have been empanelled with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for at least five years as on 01 January 2014 and should have at least equal years of auditing experience on that date. | Constitution certificate from ICAI as on 01.01.14. |
2 | The firm must have empanelled with the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India as on the above date. | Required document from C&AG, India. |
3 | The firm must have undertaken at least 5 (five) assignments in social and/or health sector(s) and 9 (nine) assignments in corporate sector during last three years (2010–11, 2011-12 & 2012–13). | Copies of appointment letter and the financial statements of organizations audited. |
4 | The firm should have an average turnover of Rs.10 lakh in the last 3 years i.e. 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012–13. | Copies of Income Tax return acknowledgement, audited Balance sheet and P&L a/c for last 3 years to be furnished in support of turnover. |
NB: Firms which cannot furnish copies of the financial statements due to some reason or other as required under item 3 above may furnish self attested certificates of completion of assignment(s) and produce the relevant financial statements on the date and time of opening of technical bids for verification by the Technical Evaluation Committee of the Health Society concerned in their presence and take back the same.
- Method of selection of firm
The selection will be done using Quality & Cost Based System (QCBS) process, 70 per cent weightage would be given to the technical evaluation and 30 per cent weightage would be given to financial bid.
- The firms should submit their Technical and Financial bids in separate sealed envelopes and both the envelopes are to be packed inside one sealed envelope indicating ‘Technical Proposal’ and ‘Financial Proposal’ on top of the respective envelopes. The Financial Proposal is also to be marked as ‘DO NOT OPEN WITH TECHNICAL PROPOSAL’. Similarly, the outer envelope is to be superscripted with ‘Request for Proposal for Concurrent Audit 2014–15 — TO BE OPENED ONLY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE’.
.1 Technical bid
The firm should submit Technical bids having criteria on the following areas basing on which evaluation of bids will be made: Sl No. | Criteria | Maximum Marks | Supporting documents to be furnished in proof of claim | ||||||
No. of Patners (FCA) FCA @ 2 marks | 10 | Certificate from ICAI as on 01.01.14 | |||||||
2 | No. of Patners (ACA) ACA @ 1 mark | 5 | Certificate from ICAI as on 01.01.14 | ||||||
3 | Years of experience of the firm 0.5 marks per year | 10 | Certificate from ICAI as on 01.01.14 | ||||||
4 | Average years of Partners association with the firm Less than one year — 0 mark one to 5 years — 2 marks 6 to 10 years — 4 marks 11 to 15 years — 6 marks 16 to 20 years — 8 marks > 20 years — 10 marks | 10 | Certificate from ICAI as on 01.01.14 and copy of Partnership Deed | ||||||
5 | No. of Staffs: | Certificate from concerned Institute and copy of the attendance register for January & February 2014.
(Please assign Annexure number to each certificate and the attendance sheet enclosed) |
i | Qualified (CA / Cost Accountant) -@ 2 marks per staff | 10 | |||||||
ii | Semi Qualified (Inter CA / Cost Accountant) 1 to 5 staff — 2 marks 6 to 10 staff — 4 marks > 10 staff — 5 marks | 5 | |||||||
iii | Other staff (Article staff and Audit Assistants) 1 to 5 staff — 1 marks 6 to 10 staff — 2 marks 11 to 15 staff — 3 marks
16 to 20 staff‑4 marks More than 20 staff‑5 marks |
5 | Copy of the attendance register for January & February 2014.
(Please assign Annexure number to the supporting document enclosed) |
6 | Nature of Experience Turnover / Project Cost / Years of Experience & Project audited | ||||||||
i | NRHM Audit | 15 | Offer letter and certificate of completion of assignment of audit of the unit(s) from the head of the organization.
(Please assign Annexure number to |
each offer letter etc. enclosed). | |||||||||
ii | No. of assignments: Experience of audit in relation to Social Sector other than NRHM in last three years
5 to 6 nos. – 3.5 mark 7 to 8 nos. — 7 mark >8 nos. — 10 mark |
10 | Offer letter and self attested certificate of completion of assignment of audit for each unit (Please assign Annexure number to each offer letter etc., enclosed). | ||||||
iii | Experience of audit in Commercial Sector in last three years
9 to 10 nos. – 3.5 marks 11 to 12 nos. — 7 marks >12 nos. — 10 marks |
10 | Offer letter and self attested certificate of completion of assignment of audit for each unit
(Please assign Annexure number to each offer letter etc., enclosed). |
7 | Average Turnover of the firms in last 3 years (2010–11, 2011-12 & 2012–13) > Rs.10 lakh and upto Rs.20 lakh — 2 marks
> Rs 20 lakh and upto Rs.30 lakh — 4 marks > Rs.30 lakh and upto Rs.40 lakh — 6 marks > Rs.40 lakh — 10 marks |
10 | Attach copies of audited Balance Sheets and P & L Accounts of the last three years i.e 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012–13. | ||||||
Total | 100 |
4.1.1 The firm has to furnish necessary documents (self attested) along with the bio-data in support of the above.
4.2 Financial bid
A firm has to secure at least 60 per cent of marks out of 100 in Technical bid to qualify for opening the financial bid.
4.2.1 In the case of District Concurrent Auditor the fees of the auditors is @ Rs.1500/- per month per block excluding Tax (maximum limit). Firms applying for assignment of District concurrent audit are to submit the financial bid in a separate envelop stating the cost per block per month. The audit fees pertaining to a month shall be released only after successful completion of the assignment for that month. However, firms belonging to outside the district or the firms having office not within the District Head Quarters shall be paid TA/DA and accommodation cost as per the norms of the Society.
- Maximum assignment during the year (2014–15)
5.1 A firm cannot be assigned audit of more than 2 (two) Health societies of the State including the State Health Society. A Firm selected as statutory auditor of the State and District Health Societies of Odisha for the financial year 2013–14 and accepted the offer shall not accept assignment of concurrent auditor for the State Health Society for the financial year 2014–15.
5.2 A successful bidder who has been offered the assignment has to intimate the District Health Society / State Health Society as the case may be of its acceptance of the offer in writing within 7 (seven) days of the offer letter. Failure to accept the offer within the above stipulated days will be treated as the firm has no interest in accepting the offer and the next successful bidder would be offered the assignment. A firm has to sign the agreement within three days thereafter with the concerned Health Society. In other words, a firm has to sign the agreement within 10 days of the offer letter. Failure to sign the agreement within the above stipulated period would entail the firm of forfeiting the offer and the next successful bidder would be offered the assignment.
5.3 A Successful bidder has to furnish an undertaking along with the acceptance letter of the offer(s) stating that the total number of assignments of concurrent audit for the financial year 2014–15 does not exceed two health societies in the State.
- Deployment of staff for audit
The firm must provide at least one inter CA/ICWA qualified personnel and 2 (two) audit assistants every month for the said assignment and the monthly audits must be supervised by a full time partner of the firm.
- Adherence to Time line
7.1 The audit shall be carried out on monthly basis at. The auditor shall start the concurrent audit of the accounts and other connected records of the assigned Health Society relating to a month by 8th of the following month and complete the same latest by 24th of that month as per the prescribed format of GoI. On completion of audit for a month in each unit, the auditors are to discuss the audit findings with the in charge head of the audited unit as well as with the CDMO concerned. This discussion should precede the submission of audit report for the month.
7.2 After completion of audit as above, the auditor has to submit two copies of the audit report containing audit observations / findings as per the scope of audit mentioned below to the Chief District Medical Officer-cum-District Mission Director concerned, NHM latest by 30th /31st of that month or on the last working day of that month. As for example, the audit of accounts and other related records of the month of April should start on 8th May, complete the audit by 24th May and submit the audit observations along with the Audit Report latest by 31st May and so on. However, the financial statements after certification has to be submitted quarterly latest by 5th August (first quarter), 5th November (second quarter), 5th February (third quarter) and 5th May of the succeeding year (fourth quarter) positively. The CDMO has to furnish a copy of the audit report of a month to the Mission Directorate latest by 10th of the following month i.e., for April on 10th June and for the month of June on 10th August and so on.
8 Scope of audit
The responsibilities of the concurrent auditors should include reporting on the adequacy of internal controls, the accuracy and propriety of transactions, the extent to which assets are accounted for and safeguarded, and the level of compliance with financial norms and procedures of the operational guidelines for Financial Management issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. The concurrent audit should be carried out at Districts level.
8.1 The Scope of the work of “District Concurrent Auditor” is as follows:
Check and Review of the DHS Accounts including the accounts of the Rogi Kalyan Samitis (RKS) and periphery units and expenditure incurred by them.
Audit of Financial Statements of DHS quarterly.
Certification of the Statement of Expenditure.
Filling in the checklist provided.
Check of the Bank Reconciliation Statements;
Check of the procurement records with reference to the instructions of Government of Odisha and other applicable instructions.
Check of maintenance of advance registers, adjustment of advances timely. Review and analysis of the age-wise and party-wise Advance Report.
Maintenance of all accounts records, registers and returns as prescribed in the Financial Management Guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India including cash and stock books, bank pass books, ledgers, journal books, log books of vehicles and vouchers guard file; cheques issue registers, sanction order files/registers, Register of assets, register of stocks and store, Advance registers, age wise analysis of advances, bank reconciliation statements, vouchers, maintenance of voucher guard file, procurement records, Quarterly Executive Summary, report on monthly visit to periphery units by District and Block teams, follow-up on observation of monthly visits, follow-up on concurrent and statutory audit observations etc.
Check of TDS (Income Tax and Professional Tax etc.,) and submission of returns in time.
Comparison between financial and physical performance and analysis.
Visits to sample blocks (in a way to cover all the blocks in a year) and periphery units and submit a certificate from the concerned Medical Officer along with its report.
Vetting of the district ATRs and providing observations thereon.
Any other evaluation work, as desired by the District Audit Committee.
- Mandatory visit to health facilities in a month for audit of accounts and related records:
9.1 The firms assigned with the audit of District Health Society have to cover at least 1/3rd of the CHCs in the district and at least 1(one) PHC (N), 1 (one) Sub-Centre and related RKS and 1(one) GKS of the CHCs visited every month on rotation basis and cover all the Blocks in the District at least once in the year. Such coverage every month is compulsory and any deficiency thereof would be treated as breach of contract / agreement. Failure to visit Blocks and other periphery units as stipulated above by the District Concurrent Auditor for any two months during the financial year would attract termination of assignment thereafter and the next successful bidder would be offered the assignment from that stage of audit. A firm whose assignment is terminated, its request for proposal will not be entertained in the next financial year. Similarly, failure on the part of the State Concurrent Auditor to make visit to the District Health Societies(s) as indicated under paragraph 9.2 below also attracts forfeiture of audit fees and action for termination of assignment as stated above.
9.2 The firm assigned with the audit of accounts of State Health Society includes visits to different Health Directorates like Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Directorate of Public Health, Directorate of Family Welfare (DFW), Directorate of State Institute of Health and Family Welfare (SIH&FW) etc. and other agencies like State Drug Management Unit (SDMU) etc. dealing with NHM funds (details are discussed under paragraph 13 below). Besides, the firm has to visit all the District Health Societies during the year covering audit of accounts and other connected records. However, such visit should cover at least one District Health Society every month.
9.3 The auditors have to sign the attendance register at district/block level with entry and exit timing on all the working days they have visited. The dates of visit to each of the audited unit need to be mentioned in the Audit Report and copy of certificate from the medical officer in charge of the Health facility is to be appended to the Audit Report.
- The auditor has to certify reconciliation of activity wise expenditure reported in the FMR and financial statements and ask for the compliance if there is any discrepancy between two figures.
- The auditor before taking up audit for a particular month must ensure compliance to the observation of the previous month and action taken on them.
- The firm interested for the assignment at SHS, other than its regular audit work, has to assist the audit cell at State level in scrutiny of the reports of the districts and preparation of summary report for submission of the same to GoI.
- The coverage of audit and reporting there on at both the State and Districts level shall include following programs.
- NHM-RCH Flexi Pool:
RCH Flexi Pool
Mission Flexi Pool
Routine Immunisation
Pulse Polio Immunisation
National IDD Control Programme
- National Urban Health Mission (NUHM)
- Cells in Directorate of Health Services dealing with Communicable Diseases and other units like:
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP)
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP)
National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP)
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP)
Procurement of Drugs and Equipment by SDMU out of NHM fund
- Cells in the Directorate of Public Health dealing with other non communicable diseases like:
National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB)
Non-Communicable Disease, Injury & Trauma:
National Mental Health Programme (NMHP)
National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE)
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness (NPPCD)
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS)
Any other New Initiative under Non-Communicable Disease Injuries and Trauma
- Cells in the Directorate of Family Welfare dealing with NHM like:
Maternal Health, Child Health, Family Planning, Immunization, PNDT etc.
- Director of State Institute of Health and Family Welfare dealing with NHM funds/ activities like training, IEC and BCC etc.
- State Drugs & Equipment Management Unit dealing with NHM Funds;
- Rogi Kalyan samitis, Gaon Kalyan Samitis
- Audit and reporting on any other area as may be entrusted to the auditor by the State level Standing Committee on Audit and the respective District Audit Committees at the districts level.
- Reporting requirements
14.1 Management letter: The Concurrent Auditor is required to incorporate the audit findings every month in a letter addressed to the management which need immediate management attention to improve financial management and other internal controls such as the administrative, operational, procurement, etc. Management Letter shall cover following matters:
- a) All deficiencies observed on the maintenance of accounts including classification of expenditure, income recognition, process compliance, documentation, if any.
- b) Specific areas of deficiency in the internal control system and recommendations for improvement.
- c) Any other matter that could have come to the attention during the audit which might have significant impact on the performance of the unit audited.
- d) Any other matter that the auditor considers significant for the management.
- e) Recommendations and suggestions including management compliance.
14.2 Contents of Audit Report:
14.2.1 Concurrent audit report of a District Health Society should contain the following financial statements and documents:
Duly filled in Checklist provided in the guidelines;
Financial statements as prescribed;
Audited Trial Balance;
Audited Receipts and Payments Account;
Income and Expenditure Account;
Balance Sheet;
Audited Statement of Expenditure (SoE);
Bank Reconciliation;
List of outstanding advances;
Observations and recommendations of Auditor(including observations on blocks visited);
Action taken by District Health Society on the previous audit observation along with his observation on the same.
- Penalty for delay in submission of Audit Reports
The district units must furnish the books of accounts and relevant records and Financial Statements before the auditor in due time. In case of failure, the District Auditor must inform in writing the same to the CDMO with a copy to the Mission Directorate.
If for any reason beyond the control of auditor, in respect of the conducting or completion of audit gets delayed, then the firm has to communicate the same to the CDMO-cum-District Mission Director concerned and Mission Director, NHM, Odisha Bhubaneswar stating the specific reason.
In order to ensure timeliness in submission of audit reports on the part of the auditor, if the District Health Society feels that in spite of timely providing all information, documents and updated books of accounts, there was delay in carrying out of monthly audits and submission of Audit Report for any month relating to the financial year then the District would deduct from the audit fees payable for the month at the rate of 5 (five) per cent per week of delay from the stipulated date of submission of Audit Report if the delay is attributable to the Auditor. However, submission of Audit Report of the month after 4 (four) weeks from the stipulated date of submission entails forfeiture of audit fee payable for that month and delayed submission of Audit Report as above for any two months relating to the financial year would attract action for termination of assignment thereafter and the next successful bidder would be offered assignment from that stage of audit. A firm whose assignment is terminated, its request for proposal will not be entertained in the next financial year.