Expression of Interest from Chartered Accountants Firms for statutory Audit of Zilla Parishad/ DRDA/Block and Gaon Panchayat etc.

Expres­sion of Inter­est from Char­tered Accoun­tants Firms empan­elled with C & AG for statu­to­ry Audit as pre­scribed by GOI under of Zil­la Parishad/ DRDA/Block and Gaon Pan­chay­at etc. for the year 2014–15.

The detailed terms of ref­er­ence and pre­scribed for­mat etc. are to be col­lect­ed by inter­est­ed C.A. Firms or their autho­rised rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the accounts Branch,  Office of the Com­mis­sion­er, Pan­chay­at & Rur­al Devel­op­ment, Assam, Pan­jabari Road, Juri­par, Guwa­hati-37 dur­ing the office hours or to be down­loaded from the web­site

The C.A. firms should have min­i­mum 5 years expe­ri­ence with suf­fi­cient staff to car­ry out the task.

CA firms hav­ing pri­or expe­ri­ence of audit­ing in P & RD Deptt./ DRDAs will be giv­en weitage.

The com­mis­sion­er of pan­chay­at & Rur­al Devel­op­ment, Assam reserves the right of reject­ing any or all expres­sion of inter­est with­out assign­ing any rea­son there­of. Expres­sion of inter­ests will be received up to 15.00 hours on 25/11/2014 and must be dropped in the box kept in the undersigned.

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