Expression of Interest from Chartered Accountants Firms for statutory Audit of Zilla Parishad/ DRDA/Block and Gaon Panchayat etc.
Expression of Interest from Chartered Accountants Firms empanelled with C & AG for statutory Audit as prescribed by GOI under of Zilla Parishad/ DRDA/Block and Gaon Panchayat etc. for the year 2014–15.
The detailed terms of reference and prescribed format etc. are to be collected by interested C.A. Firms or their authorised representative from the accounts Branch, Office of the Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development, Assam, Panjabari Road, Juripar, Guwahati-37 during the office hours or to be downloaded from the website
The C.A. firms should have minimum 5 years experience with sufficient staff to carry out the task.
CA firms having prior experience of auditing in P & RD Deptt./ DRDAs will be given weitage.
The commissioner of panchayat & Rural Development, Assam reserves the right of rejecting any or all expression of interest without assigning any reason thereof. Expression of interests will be received up to 15.00 hours on 25/11/2014 and must be dropped in the box kept in the undersigned.