Extension of Date of WB Professional Tax Return for the quarter ended March 2015

Since there are com­pelling cir­cum­stances to extend fur­ther the last date of fil­ing of return in Form-III, under sec­tion 6 of the West Ben­gal State Tax on Pro­fes­sions, Trades, Call­ings and Employ­ments Act 1979 read with rule 12 of the West Ben­gal State Tax on Pro­fes­sions, Trades, Call­ings and Employ­ments Rules 1979, for the for the year end­ing on the 31st day of March, 2015, now there­fore, in exer­cise of the pow­er con­ferred upon me under rule 12 of the West Ben­gal State Tax on Pro­fes­sions, Trades, Call­ings and Employ­ments Rules 1979, the last date of fil­ing return in Form-III for the men­tioned peri­od is fur­ther extend­ed as specified:

Last date of trans­mis­sion of data elec­tron­i­cal­ly of that return as spec­i­fied now: 30–6‑2015 

Last date of fur­nish­ing paper form of that return as spec­i­fied now: 15–7‑2015

For deter­mi­na­tion of the late fees, in respect of the return for which the last date of fil­ing is spec­i­fied above, the pro­vi­so of sub rule (2) of rule 12 of the West Ben­gal State Tax on Pro­fes­sions, Trades, Call­ings and Employ­ments Rules, 1979, shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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