Direct Tax

Extension of Return Filling Date By MCA from 30th Sep’2015 to 31st Oct’15

MCA vide Gen­er­al Cir­cu­lar No. 10/2015 has stat­ed that e‑forms AOC‑4, AOC-4-XBRL (For­mat of fil­ing Finan­cial State­ments) and MGT‑7 (Form of Annu­al return) are being devel­oped and shall be made avail­able lat­est by 30th Sep 2015. Sep­a­rate e‑form AOC-4-CFS for fil­ing Con­sol­i­dat­ed Finan­cial State­ment (CFS) shall be made avail­able lat­est by Octo­ber 2015.

In view of the above, MCA has decid­ed to relax addi­tion­al fee payable on e‑forms AOC‑4, AOC-4-XBRL and MGT‑7 upto 31st Oct 2015. Sim­i­lar relax­ation will also be avail­able for fil­ing CFS upto 30th Nov 2015.

This is a wel­come move where­by cor­po­rates will not be bur­dened with addi­tion­al fees for delayed release of e‑forms by MCA.

For details please refer to the Cir­cu­lar which is attached in the fol­low­ing link


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