IT Caselaw

Fair Market Value of property to be consider on the date of Execution of Agreement and not on the date of Registration

The assessee has entered into agree­ment to sale of its fac­to­ry line and build­ing on 14–8‑2007 where­in con­sid­er­a­tion of Rs. 27.62 crores was decid­ed and assessee received a sum of Rs.14.39 crore by cheque at the sign­ing of the agree­ment. How­ev­er, agree­ment to sale was reg­is­tered on 29–4‑2009. The AO pro­posed to take val­u­a­tion of prop­er­ty as on the date of reg­is­tra­tion 29–4‑2009 and there­after, as per the request of the assessee mat­ter was referred to the DVO. The issue was whether val­u­a­tion to be tak­en as on the date of enter­ing into agree­ment or as on the date when the sale deed is actu­al­ly reg­is­tered. The CIT(A) held that the fair mar­ket val­ue of the prop­er­ty is to be tak­en on date of agree­ment to sale i.e. 14–8‑2007.

The Tri­bunal observed that at the time of enter­ing into agree­ment to sale , the assessee has already received more than 50% amount of the agree­ment val­ue and due to cer­tain con­di­tions, the sale deed could not be reg­is­tered and final­ly, it was reg­is­tered only on 29–4‑2009. The Tri­bunal held that when agree­ment to sale is exe­cut­ed between the par­ties and part con­sid­er­a­tion is received, approval of the author­i­ties of S. 50C takes place, com­pu­ta­tion u/s. 48 will start accord­ing­ly. There­fore, pro­vi­sions of S. 50C is applic­a­ble as on the date of exe­cu­tion of the agree­ment to sale.

Held in the case of ACIT v. M/s. Balmer Lawrie Van Leer Ltd., ITA No.4361I Mum/2016, dt.20/11/2018 (Mum.)(Trib.)

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