Fixed deposit (FD) Limit Increased to Rs. 1,50,000 from Rs.1,00,000 for Claiming Exemption u/s 80C
An Individual & an HUF can Claim deduction under Section 80C by investing in FD for more than 5 years under the Bank deposit scheme 2006. Eralier the Limit of deposit under the scheme was Rs.1,00,000 only. Now with the increase in exemption limit under section 80C limit of Bank Term deposit also Increase to Rs.1,50,000.
Notification issued on 13th November 2014 in this regard is as below:
S.O. 2906(E).In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (xxi) of sub-section (2) of section 80C of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments to the the Bank Term Deposit Scheme, 2006, namely:-
- (1) This scheme may be called the Bank Term Deposit (Amendment) Scheme, 2014.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
- 2. In the Bank Term Deposit Scheme, 2006, in para 3, in clause (1), for the words “one lakh rupees” ‚the words “one hundred and fifty thousand rupees” shall be substituted.
[[Notification No. 63/2014, F.No.142/09/2014-TPL]
Earlier the Term Deposit scheme was notified on 28–7‑2006 via NOTIFICATION NO. 203/2006, DATED 28–7‑2006 with a limit of Term Deposit for claiming 80C deduction of Rs.1,00,000.
Download Bank Term Deposit Scheme 2006 Notification
The same was again modified on 2007 to insert that in the event of the death of the first holder of the deposit in a case of a joint holder type deposit, the other holder of the deposit shall be entitled to encash the term deposit before its maturity by making an application to the branch manager of the bank, supported by proof of death of the first holder of the deposit