Foreign Exchange Management (International Financial Services Centre) Regulations, 2015
Pursuant to announcement in the Union Budget 2015–2016 on Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT), SEBI Board has approved SEBI (International Financial Services Centres) Guidelines, 2015. These guidelines facilitate and regulate financial services relating to securities market in an International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) set up under Section 18(1) of Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The broad framework of securities laws has been made applicable to the entities operating in IFSC with certain carve outs as specified in the guidelines.
(ii) Indian as well as foreign stock exchanges, clearing corporations and depositories are permitted to set up subsidiaries to undertake the same business in IFSC subject to certain relaxed norms on shareholding and net worth, etc. In addition, stock exchanges are also permitted to set up clearing corporations in IFSC. All Institutions in IFSC will comply with the IOSCO principles and Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) and such other governance norms specified by SEBI. SEBI registered intermediaries or recognized intermediaries of foreign page: 1 [ ] jurisdiction are permitted to operate as securities market intermediaries in IFSC through a subsidiary or joint venture company.
(iii) The guidelines, inter alia, permits issue of depository receipts and debt securities in IFSC by domestic as well as foreign companies subject to the Foreign Currency Depository Receipts Scheme, 2014 and relevant SEBI ( Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations. The guidelines also provide for listing and trading of equity shares issued by companies incorporated outside India, depository receipts, debt securities, currency and interest rate derivatives, index based derivatives and such other securities as may be specified by SEBI from time to time. Non Resident Indian, foreign investors, institutional investors, and Resident Indian eligible under FEMA may participate in IFSC.
(iv) Mutual Funds and Alternative Investment Funds set up in IFSC can invest in securities listed in IFSC, securities issued by companies incorporated in IFSC and securities issued by foreign issuers.
(v) SEBI will be specifying norms and relaxations by way of guidance notes or circulars, for implementation of these guidelines to facilitate and regulate financial services relating to securities market in an IFSC.