Form GST CMP ‑02

Form GST CMP ‑02

[See rule 3(2)]


Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (composition levy)

(For per­sons reg­is­tered under the Act)



2.  Legal name
3. Trade name, if any
4. Address of Prin­ci­pal Place of Business
5.  Cat­e­go­ry of Reg­is­tered Per­son  < Select from drop down>.
(i)         Man­u­fac­tur­ers, oth­er than man­u­fac­tur­ers of such goods as may be noti­fied by the Government
(ii)         Sup­pli­ers mak­ing sup­plies referred to in   clause (b) of para­graph 6 of Sched­ule II
(iii)        Any oth­er sup­pli­er eli­gi­ble for com­po­si­tion levy.
6. Finan­cial Year from which com­po­si­tion scheme is opted
7. Juris­dic­tion Cen­tre State
8. Dec­la­ra­tion –

I here­by declare that the afore­said busi­ness shall abide by the con­di­tions and restric­tions spec­i­fied for pay­ing tax under sec­tion 10.

9. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion


I                                                                            here­by   solemn­ly   affirm   and   declare that  the infor­ma­tion giv­en here­in­above is true and cor­rect to the best of my knowl­edge and belief and noth­ing has been con­cealed therefrom.

Sig­na­ture of Autho­rised Sig­na­to­ry Name


Date                                                                                        Des­ig­na­tion / Status

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