GST Rules

Form GST CMP- 05

Form GST CMP- 05

[See rule 6(4)]


Ref­er­ence No.  « … »                                                               « Date »


Name Address


Notice for denial of option to pay tax under section 10


Where­as on the basis of infor­ma­tion which has come to my notice, it appears that you have vio­lat­ed the con­di­tions and restric­tions nec­es­sary for avail­ing of the com­po­si­tion scheme under sec­tion 10 of the Act. I there­fore pro­pose to deny the option to you to pay tax under the said sec­tion for the fol­low­ing reasons: -





  • You are here­by direct­ed to fur­nish a reply to this notice with­in fif­teen work­ing days from the date of ser­vice of this


  • You are here­by direct­ed to appear before the under­signed on DD/MM/YYYY at HH/MM.


If you fail to fur­nish a reply with­in the stip­u­lat­ed date or fail to appear for per­son­al hear­ing on the appoint­ed date and time, the case will be decid­ed ex parte on the basis of avail­able records and on merits






Name of Prop­er Offi­cer Des­ig­na­tion Jurisdiction


Place Date

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