GST Rules

Form GST ITC – 01 (Declaration for claim of input tax credit under sub-section (1) of section 18)

Form GST ITC – 01

[See rule 40(1)] Dec­la­ra­tion for claim of input tax cred­it under sub-sec­tion (1) of sec­tion 18





Claim made under
Sec­tion 18 (1)(a)  
Sec­tion 18 (1)(b)
Sec­tion 18 (1)©
Sec­tion 18 (1)(d)




2. Legal name
3. Trade name, if any
4. Date from which lia­bil­i­ty to pay tax aris­es under sec­tion 9, except sec­tion 9 (3) and sec­tion 9 (4)

[For claim under sec­tion 18 (1)(a)  and  sec­tion 18 (1)©)]

5. Date of grant of vol­un­tary reg­is­tra­tion [For claim made under sec­tion 18 (1)(b)]
6. Date on which goods or ser­vices becomes tax­able [For claim made under sec­tion 18 (1)(d)]





  1. Claim under sec­tion 18 (1) (a) or sec­tion 18 (1) (b)

Details of stock of inputs and inputs con­tained in semi-fin­ished goods or fin­ished goods on which ITC is claimed







Reg­is­trat ion under CX/ VAT of supplier

Invoice * Descrip­tion of inputs held in stock, inputs con­tained in semi-fin­ished or fin­ished goods held in stock Unit Quan­tit y

Code (UQC)

Quan­ti ty Val­ue

(As adjust­ed by deb­it note/credit note)

Amount of ITC claimed (Rs.)
No. Date Cen­tral Tax State Tax UT Tax Inte­grate d Tax Cess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
7 (a) Inputs held in stock
7 (b) Inputs con­tained in semi-fin­ished or fin­ished goods held in stock


*In case it is not fea­si­ble to iden­ti­fy invoice, the prin­ci­ple of first-in-first out may be followed.



  1. Claim under sec­tion 18 (1) © or sec­tion 18 (1)(d)

Details of stock of inputs, inputs con­tained in semi-fin­ished goods or fin­ished goods and cap­i­tal goods on which ITC is claimed






Reg­is­trat ion under CX/ VAT of supplier

Invoice */ Bill of entry Descrip­tion of inputs held in stock, inputs con­tained in semi- fin­ished or fin­ished goods held in stock, cap­i­tal goods Unit Quan­ti­ty Code (UQC) Qty Val­ue** (As adjust­ed by deb­it note/cred it note) Amount of ITC claimed (Rs.)
No. Date Cen­tral Tax State Tax UT Tax Inte­gr ated Tax Cess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
8 (a) Inputs held in stock
8 (b) Inputs con­tained in semi-fin­ished or fin­ished goods held in stock
8 © Cap­i­tal goods in stock


  • In case it is not fea­si­ble to iden­ti­fy invoice, prin­ci­ple of first in and first out may be

** The val­ue of cap­i­tal goods shall be the invoice val­ue reduced by five per­cent­age points per quar­ter of a year or part there­of from the date of invoice



  1. Par­tic­u­lars of cer­ti­fy­ing Char­tered Accoun­tant or Cost Accoun­tant [where applicable]
  2. Name of the Firm issu­ing certificate
  3. Name of the cer­ti­fy­ing Char­tered Accountant/Cost Accountant
  4. Mem­ber­ship number
  5. Date of issuance of certificate
  6. Attach­ment (option for upload­ing certificate)


  1. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion


I                                                                                     here­by solemn­ly affirm and declare that the infor­ma­tion giv­en here­in­above is true and cor­rect to the best of my knowl­edge and belief and noth­ing has been con­cealed there from.


Sig­na­ture of autho­rised sig­na­to­ry                                                                              


Designation/Status Date  —  dd/mm/yyyy

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