GST Rules

Form GST ITC ‑03 (Declaration for intimation of ITC reversal/payment of tax on inputs held in stock, inputs contained in semi-finished and finished goods held in stock and capital goods)

Form GST ITC ‑03

[See rule 44(4)]

Declaration for intimation of ITC reversal/payment of tax on inputs held in stock, inputs contained in semi-finished and finished goods held in stock and capital goods under sub-section (4) of section 18


2.  Legal name
3. Trade name, if any
4(a). Details of appli­ca­tion filed to opt for com­po­si­tion scheme

[ applic­a­ble only for sec­tion 18 (4)]

(i) Appli­ca­tion ref­er­ence num­ber (ARN)
(ii) Date of filing
4(b). Date from which exemp­tion is effec­tive [ applic­a­ble only for sec­tion 18 (4)]



  1. Details of stock of inputs held in stock, inputs con­tained in semi-fin­ished or fin­ished goods held in stock, and cap­i­tal goods on which input tax cred­it is required to be paid under sec­tion 18(4).





Reg­is­tra­tion under CX/ VAT of supplier

*Invoice /Bill of entry Descrip­tion of inputs held in stock, inputs con­tained in semi- fin­ished or fin­ished goods held in stock and cap­i­tal goods Unit Quan­ti­ty Code (UQC) Qty Val­ue** (As adjust­ed by deb­it note/credit note) Amount of ITC claimed (Rs.)
No. Date Cen­tral Tax State Tax UT Tax Inte­grat­ed Tax Cess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
5 (a) Inputs held in stock (where invoice is available)
5 (b) Inputs con­tained in semi-fin­ished and fin­ished goods held in stock (where invoice available)



5 © Cap­i­tal goods held in stock (where invoice available)
5 (d) Inputs held in stock and as con­tained in semi-fin­ished /finished goods held in stock ( where invoice not available)
5 (e) Cap­i­tal goods held in stock (where invoice not available)


  • (1) In case, it is not fea­si­ble to iden­ti­fy invoice, the prin­ci­ple of first in first out may be

(2)  If Invoice is not avail­able for cer­tain inputs or cap­i­tal goods, the val­ue shall be esti­mat­ed based on pre­vail­ing mar­ket price

** The val­ue of cap­i­tal goods shall be the invoice val­ue reduced by five per­cent­age points per quar­ter of a year or part there­of from the date of invoice


  1. Amount of ITC payable and paid (based on table 5)




Descrip­tion Tax payable Paid through Cash/ Cred­it Ledger Deb­it entry no. Amount of ITC paid standard
Cen­tral Tax State Tax UT Tax Inte­grat­ed Tax Cess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Cen­tral Tax Cash Ledger
Cred­it Ledger
2. State Tax Cash Ledger
Cred­it Ledger
3. UT Tax Cash Ledger
Cred­it Ledger
4. Inte­grat­ed Tax Cash Ledger
Cred­it Ledger
5. CESS Cash Ledger
Cred­it Ledger



  1. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion


I                                                                              here­by solemn­ly affirm and declare that the infor­ma­tion giv­en here­in­above is true and cor­rect to the best of my knowl­edge and belief and noth­ing has been con­cealed there from.


Sig­na­ture of autho­rised sig­na­to­ry                                                                     


Designation/Status Date — dd/mm/yyyy

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