GST Rules

Form GST PCT-03 (Show Cause Notice for disqualification)

Form GST PCT-03


[See rule 83(4)]

Ref­er­ence No. Date

To Name

Address of the Applicant

GST prac­ti­tion­er enrol­ment No.


Show Cause Notice for disqualification


It has come to my notice that you are guilty of mis­con­duct, the details of which are giv­en hereunder:




You are here­by called upon to show cause as to why the cer­tifi­cate of enrol­ment grant­ed to you should not be reject­ed for rea­sons stat­ed above. You are request­ed to sub­mit your response with­in <15> days to the under­signed from the date of receipt of this notice.

Appear before the under­signed on —– (date)…………. (Time)………

If you fail to fur­nish a reply with­in the stip­u­lat­ed date or fail to appear for per­son­al hear­ing on the appoint­ed date and time, the case will be decid­ed ex parte on the basis of avail­able records and on merits





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