GST Rules

Form GST REG-11 (Application for extension of registration period by casual / non-resident taxable person)

Application for extension of registration period by casual / non-resident taxable person


2. Name (Legal)
3. Trade Name, if any
4. Address
5. Peri­od of Valid­i­ty (orig­i­nal) From To
6. Peri­od for which exten­sion is requested. From To
7. Turnover Details for the extend­ed peri­od (Rs.) Esti­mat­ed Tax Lia­bil­i­ty (Net) for the extend­ed peri­od (Rs.)
Inter- State Intra-State Cen­tral Tax State Tax UT


Inte­grat­ed Tax Cess
8. Pay­ment details
Date CIN BRN Amount
9. Dec­la­ra­tion -

I here­by solemn­ly affirm and declare that the infor­ma­tion giv­en here­in above is true and cor­rect to the best of my knowl­edge and belief and noth­ing has been con­cealed therefrom.



Place:                                                                                                     Name of Autho­rised Signatory:

Date:                                                                                                      Des­ig­na­tion / Status:



Instruc­tions for sub­mis­sion of appli­ca­tion for exten­sion of validity


  1. The appli­ca­tion can be filed online before the expiry of the peri­od of
  2. The appli­ca­tion can only be filed when advance pay­ment is
  3. After suc­cess­ful fil­ing, Appli­ca­tion Ref­er­ence Num­ber will be gen­er­at­ed which can be used to track the sta­tus of the

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