GST Rules

Form GST REG-13 (Application/Form for grant of Unique Identity Number to UN Bodies / Embassies / others)

Form GST REG-13

[See rule 17(1)]


Application/Form for grant of Unique Identity Number to UN Bodies / Embassies / others


State /Union Ter­ri­to­ry–                   Dis­trict – PART A


(i) Name of the Entity
(ii) Per­ma­nent Account Num­ber of enti­ty, if any (applic­a­ble in case of any oth­er per­son notified)
(iii) Name of the Autho­rised Signatory
(iv) Per­ma­nent Account Num­ber of Autho­rised Signatory
(v) Email Address  of the Autho­rised Signatory
(vi) Mobile Num­ber of the Autho­rised Sig­na­to­ry (+91)



1. Type of Enti­ty (Choose one) UN Body                Embassy              Oth­er Person
2. Coun­try
3. Noti­fi­ca­tion Details Noti­fi­ca­tion No. Date
4. Address of  the enti­ty  in State
Build­ing No./Flat No. Floor No.
Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street
City/Town/Village Dis­trict
Lat­i­tude Lon­gi­tude
State PIN Code
Con­tact Information
Email Address Tele­phone number
Fax Num­ber Mobile Num­ber
7. Details of Autho­rised Sig­na­to­ry, if applicable
Par­tic­u­lars First Name Mid­dle Name Last name
Name of Father
Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Gen­der <Male, Female, Other>
Mobile Num­ber Email address
Tele­phone No.


Des­ig­na­tion /Status Direc­tor Identification

Num­ber  (if any)

Per­ma­nent Account Number Aad­haar Number
Are you a cit­i­zen of India? Yes / No Pass­port No.  (in case of


Res­i­den­tial Address
Build­ing No/Flat No Floor No
Name of the


Town/City/Village Dis­trict
State PIN Code
8 Bank Account Details  (add more if required)
Account Num­ber Type of Account
IFSC Bank Name
Branch Address
9. Doc­u­ments Uploaded

The autho­rised per­son who is in pos­ses­sion of the doc­u­men­tary evi­dence (oth­er than UN Body/ Embassy etc.) shall upload the scanned copy of such doc­u­ments includ­ing the copy of res­o­lu­tion / pow­er of attor­ney, autho­ris­ing the appli­cant to rep­re­sent the entity.


The prop­er offi­cer who has col­lect­ed the doc­u­men­tary evi­dence from the appli­cant (UN Body/ Embassy etc.) shall upload the scanned copy of such doc­u­ments includ­ing the copy of res­o­lu­tion / pow­er of attor­ney, autho­ris­ing the appli­cant to rep­re­sent the UN Body / Embassy etc. in India and link it along with the Unique Iden­ti­ty Num­ber gen­er­at­ed and allot­ted to respec­tive UN Body/ Embassy etc.

11. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion

I here­by solemn­ly affirm and declare that the infor­ma­tion giv­en here­in above is true and cor­rect to the best of my knowl­edge and belief and noth­ing has been con­cealed therefrom.

Place:                                                                                                                                             (Sig­na­ture)

Date:                                                                                                                      Name of Autho­rised Person:




Place:                                                                                                                      Name of Prop­er Officer:

Date:                                                                                                                       Des­ig­na­tion:









Instruc­tions for sub­mis­sion of appli­ca­tion for reg­is­tra­tion for UN Bodies/ Embassies/others noti­fied by the Government.


  • Every per­son required to obtain a unique iden­ti­ty num­ber shall sub­mit the application
  • Appli­ca­tion shall be filed through com­mon por­tal or reg­is­tra­tion can be grant­ed suo-moto by prop­er officer.
  • The appli­ca­tion filed on the com­mon por­tal is required to be signed elec­tron­i­cal­ly or through any oth­er mode as spec­i­fied by the
  • The details of the per­son autho­rised by the con­cerned enti­ty to sign the refund appli­ca­tion or oth­er­wise, should be filled up against the “Autho­rised Sig­na­to­ry details” in the

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