Form GST REG-30 (Form for Field Visit Report)

Form GST REG-30

[See rule 25]


Form for Field Vis­it Report Cen­ter Juris­dic­tion (Ward/Circle/Zone)


Name of the Offi­cer:- « to be pre­filled» Date of Sub­mis­sion of Report:-

Name of the tax­able per­son GSTIN/UIN

Task Assigned by:- < Name of the Author­i­ty- to be pre­filled> Date and Time of Assign­ment of task:- < Sys­tem date and time>

Sr. No. Par­tic­u­lars Input
1. Date  of Visit
2. Time of Visit
3. Loca­tion details :
Lat­i­tude Lon­gi­tude
North – Bound­ed By South – Bound­ed By
West – Bound­ed By East – Bound­ed By
4. Whether address is same as men­tioned in application. Y / N
5. Par­tic­u­lars of the per­son avail­able at the time of visit
(i) Name
(ii) Father’s Name
(iii) Res­i­den­tial Address
(iv) Mobile Num­ber
(v) Des­ig­na­tion / Status
(vi) Rela­tion­ship     with     tax­able    per­son,     if applicable.
6. Func­tion­ing sta­tus of the business Func­tion­ing   — Y / N
7. Details of the premises
Open Space Area (in sq m.) — (approx.)
Cov­ered Space Area (in sq m.) — (approx.)
Floor on which busi­ness premis­es located
8. Doc­u­ments verified Yes/No
9. Upload pho­to­graph of the place with the per­son who is present at the place where site ver­i­fi­ca­tion is conducted.
10. Com­ments (not more than < 1000 characters>


Place:                                                                                                    Name of the Officer:

Date:                                                                                                     Des­ig­na­tion:


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