Four Weeks Residential Program on Professional Skills Development National Institute of Financial Management ((NIIFM))„ Faridabad (Women Participants Only))
Board of Studies is pleased to announce the 32nd Batch of ICAI Four Weeks Residential Programme on Professional Skills Development from February 06, 2015 to March 4, 2015 at National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad. This programme* offers an unique opportunity and focus on development of communication skills, leadership skills, personal traits for effective functioning in business organization and profession.
NIFM imparts training to the probationers joining the various finance and accounts service like Indian Audit & Accounts Services, Indian Civil Accounts Service, Indian Cost Accounts Service, Indian Defence Accounts Service, Indian P&T (Finance & Accounts) Service and Indian Railways Accounts Service of Government of India.
Only Women students who have passed Chartered Accountancy IPCC/ PCC/ PE- II/ Intermediate (IPC) examination and pursuing last year of article training or completed Articleship training are invited to join the course. Recently qualified Women Chartered Accountants are also welcome to join the course.
Salient Features:
Emphasis on Soft Skills, Communication Skills and Personality Development.
Exemption from payment of Fees to Top 10 Rank holders.
Part of Articleship Training.
No need for Separate GMCS/GMCS II
Special Session on Group Discussion & Interview.
Preparation of Project and Presentation Skills.
Building Team Spirit.
Registration may be made by paying 20% of fees, i.e., Rs. 9,000/- or full fees, i.e. Rs. 45,000/- through Credit card or Net Banking facility using online payment portal.
Special leave may be granted to attend Campus Placement organised by the Institute on submission of required documents. In view of limited seats please send your registration as early as possible latest by 27th January 2015. Registration is normally on First-come-First-serve basis, subject to logical criteria.
Note: The programme shall be organised subject to registrations of minimum number of participants and to be decided by the appropriate authority of the Institute.