Government may relax corporate fraud reporting norms to be reported by Auditors
The government is likely to relax norms of corporate fraud reporting by auditors, with the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) considering a proposal to make reporting mandatory only if fraud involves 10 per cent or more of the company’s turnover or it is repetitive in nature. Under the Companies Act, 2013, the statutory auditor has to report all frauds to the central government within 60 days of coming to know about it.
Earlier, ICAI had urged the corporate affairs ministry to allow the concept of materiality to the fraud reporting requirement. “The current legal provisions require a statutory auditor to report all frauds to the government which is a huge responsibility and will also be difficult as frauds as small as Rs 1,000 have to be reported.
According to Section 143 of the Companies Act, if an auditor comes across an offence involving fraud being committed against the company by management or employees, it has to first bring the incident to the notice of the board or audit committee of the company and seek its reply within 45 days.