Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts Request for Proposal for Internal/Concurrent Audit of Postal Life Insurance Fund & Rural Postal Life Insurance Fund Letter of Invitation

The Min­istry of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions & IT, Depart­ment of Posts (here­inafter called „Employ­er‟) is exe­cut­ing Request for Pro­pos­al for Internal/Concurrent Audit of Postal Life Insur­ance Fund & Rur­al Postal Life Insur­ance Fund. The place of work is Invest­ment Divi­sion, GPO Annexe Build­ing, Mumbai.

  1. The employ­er has intend­ed to get the Internal/Concurrent Audit of Postal Life Insur­ance Fund & Rur­al Postal Life Insur­ance Fund, con­duct­ed for the year 2014–15 from CAG empan­elled CA firm. More details on the ser­vices are pro­vid­ed in the Terms of Ref­er­ence in this RFP doc­u­ment. As your firm was short­list­ed being empan­elled by CAG, you are invit­ed to sub­mit your pro­pos­al as per the attached RFP document.
  2. A firm will be select­ed as per eval­u­a­tion and selec­tion method described in Para 2.10 & 2.11 of the RFP.
  3. Please inform us in writ­ing at the address, Chief Gen­er­al Man­ag­er (PLI), Direc­torate of Postal Life Insur­ance, Chanakya­puri PO Com­plex, New Del­hi – 110021, upon receipt:
  4. that you received the Let­ter of Invi­ta­tion and RFP doc­u­ment; and
  5. that you will sub­mit the pro­pos­al by the date & time indi­cat­ed in RFP Document

The details RFP will be find in the fol­low­ing link:

Postal Deptt RFP

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