Hiring of a firm of Charted Accountant on the approved list of C&AG for internal Auditing for Rail land Development Authority (RLDA) for FY 2014–15 and 2015–16
- Rail land development Authority (RLDA), a statutory Authority under Ministry of Railways, is interested in hiring a firm of Charted Accountants for the internal Auditing work for the financial year 2014–15 and 2015–16. A brief background and relevant Act/regulations can be viewed from the RLDA’s Website www.rlda.in
- The detailed Terms of reference for the service proposed to be hired are enclosed at Annexure A.
- Payment for the service rendered would be made on quarterly basis after the end of the work for the quarter involved, on receipt of your invoice, net of any taxes applicable.
- Your offer, on the letter head of the firm indicating the amount quoted per quarter, excluding service tax, as well as the total for the year, may please be sent to DGM/Finance, Rail Land Development Authority, Next to Safdarjung Railway Station, Moti bagh- I, New Delhi ‑110021, so as to reach by 16.00 hrs on 05.12.2014. in a scaled cover. The offers received would be opened at 16.30 hrs on the same day. Late offers i.e. offers received after 16.00 hrs on 05.12.2014 would be returned unopened.
- Only those firms who are on the approved panel of C&AG are eligible to apply. The firms are required to submit proof of the same together with their experience in Govt. Dept/PSU/Autonomous bodies for considering their offers.
The objective of Internal Audit is to review the accounting and internal control system as a service to the
- Accounting: Proper accounting of expenditure and incomes accruing to the Authority and adherence on matching principle. Review of liabilities and provisions to ensure that they are neither undervalued nor over-estimated.
- Statutory Compliances: Ensure compliance to all statutory obligations applicable to the Authority,
assist/advice the Authority in formularizing/revision of accounting policies and in establishing proper
accounting practice and procedure as per changing needs.
- Vouching: Post audit of all payments including TDS calculations, receipts vouchers, and their proper
- Bank reconciliation transactions: To verify that cash & bank transactions are conducted properly and surplus funds deposits with the bank. To reconcile the entries in the detailed register of deposits with the books of Accounts and the term deposit certificate are physically tallied. Also to verify that interest on deposits and TDS thereon has been correctly calculated and booked in the books of the Authority.
- Fixed Assets: Review the system regarding accountal, custody and safeguarding of monetary and non-monetary assets of the Authority. Also check that the accounted transfer of each (e.g. inventories for sale) is immediately and properly accounted for.
- Income Reconciliation: To verify that income recognition is being made in conformity with accounting policy/procedure and that transactions are recorded properly.
- Strengthening of Internal Control System: To check the records of Executive offices of RLDA and
identify weaknesses in controls which can lead to frauds and report the same to the management for timely corrective action.
- Employee’s Payments: To verify that accounting for salary and benefits admissible to employees are
being done properly and all subsidy records for loan/advances and other deduction to employee are
reconciled properly.
- Feedback to Authority: To discuss the observations made during the course of checking with the
officials of the Authority and offer suggestions for improvement.
- Other Matters: Internal Auditors are also required to contribute to rectification of errors and omissions observed in the course of the Audit and to report any of the matters coming to notice during verification in order to strengthen internal control system and for improving MIS, and render any other advice on accounting matters required by the management.
- Reporting Requirement: The auditors shall be required to give input of minimum 5 days per quarter of CA for guidance shall be for 1 day per quarter. The auditor should issue draft report for verification of facts and figures by auditee. The auditor shall discuss conclusions and recommendation at levels of management and final quarterly report shall be drawn in following manner.
Part A: Dealing with review, comments or advice on accounting procedures, systems and policies and containing such issues which require the attention of the top management including the Board of Directors.
Part B: Dealing with deficiencies in payment/receipts vouchers as well as TDS calculation and their accountal and issues which can be tackled at the level of the Accountants.