Hiring Of Charted Accountants Firm For Statutory Audit of Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission

Mis­sion intends to hire Char­tered Accoun­tant firm for Statu­to­ry Audit for the finan­cial year 2014–15 in Uttar Pradesh State Rur­al Liveli­hoods Mis­sion, Lucknow .

Expres­sion of inter­est are invit­ed from qual­i­fied and expe­ri­enced Char­tered Accoun­tant firm who wish to under­take Assign­ment of Statu­to­ry Audit for Uttar Pradesh State Rur­al Liveli­hoods Mis­sion, Gov­ern­ment of Uttar Pradesh, under the Nation­al Rur­al Liveli­hoods Project/Mission (NRLP/M).

The EOI may be sub­mit­ted to the address giv­en above by 28 May 2015 till 3.00 PM in a sealed enve­lope. The enve­lope should bear the name of the assign­ment for which EOI.

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