
Home loan top up is cheaper than personal Loan

personal loan vs home loanThese days if you have Home Loan on your house you can get top up on that loan for your per­son­al use. The top up Loan on your home Loan is much cheap­er as com­pared to the Per­son­al loan. It’s come with a inter­est rate of 13–14% p.a. as com­pared to the Per­son­al loan whose Rate of Inter­est is rang­ing from 15–20% as well as high­er Pro­cess­ing Fees.

So if you need per­son­al loan for your per­son­al use like sis­ters or daugh­ters mar­riages etc. you can go for home Loan Top up on the exist­ing Loan or loan against prop­er­ty as the same is much cheap­er than the per­son­al loan & very easy to process. 

If you already have home loan you just need to approach your exist­ing financer for top up on the same. The financer will pro­vide you the loan faster as the prop­er­ty is already mort­gaged to them if the financier have mar­gin for the same. Since the end use of the loan is dif­fer­ent & not for home pur­chase or con­struc­tion, obvi­ous­ly the rate of inter­est for the top up loan will be high­er. How­ev­er the inter­est rate on your home loan por­tion will be same as of ear­li­er & will not be effect­ed by your top up loan inter­est rate. Financer will just treat those as two sep­a­rate loan account though the prop­er­ty is same.

Same way if a per­son does not have any loan on his home can approach financers for his/her busi­ness loan/ per­son­al loan needs by offer­ing house as mort­gage for cheap­er rate of interest.

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