Direct Tax

Hosting of exemption(s) in a paper(s) granted in Intermediate (IPC) and Final examinations, valid for May, 2015. — (16–04-2015)

Exemption(s) in a paper(s) are grant­ed to can­di­dates of Inter­me­di­ate and Final exam­i­na­tions, in terms of Reg­u­la­tion 37C (8) and Reg­u­la­tion 38C (6), respec­tive­ly, of the Char­tered Accoun­tants Reg­u­la­tions 1988.

The rules in this regard are pro­vid­ed in the Guid­ance Notes made avail­able to the can­di­dates along with the exam­i­na­tion forms and host­ed on The relat­ed FAQs are also host­ed on

How­ev­er, in spite of the infor­ma­tion already made avail­able, it is seen that some of the can­di­dates car­ry a mis­tak­en notion that they enjoy an exemp­tion in a paper(s) where­as in real­i­ty they do not and end up absent­ing them­selves in the said paper, result­ing in avoid­able hardships.

To avoid this kind of sit­u­a­tion, exemption(s) grant­ed in a paper(s) which are valid for May, 2015 exam­i­na­tion are host­ed on, so that can­di­dates can check their exemp­tion sta­tus before the exams and take nec­es­sary action.

Date of host­ing the exemp­tion data: 16th April, 2015

Last date for email­ing dis­crep­an­cy, if any: 26th April, 2015

Hence, can­di­dates are advised to check the details more par­tic­u­lar­ly, the month and year of exam and roll num­ber indi­cat­ed on the said site, with those con­tained on the rel­e­vant State­ment of marks issued to them. Exemp­tions grant­ed in a paper(s) are indi­cat­ed by way of “#” against the marks award­ed there­on and the Result of the rel­e­vant Group is indi­cat­ed as “F‑EX”, in the State­ment of Marks.

In case of dis­crep­an­cy, if any, can­di­dates are advised to write to Exam Dept. imme­di­ate­ly, in any case not lat­er than 26th April, 2015, at the e‑mail address pro­vid­ed here­in below, enclos­ing scanned copy of the rel­e­vant mark sheet in which exemp­tion was granted.

Final can­di­dates:

Inter­me­di­ate (IPC) can­di­dates:

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