
Hosting of provisional Empanelment status of CA firms with the CAG for the year 2015–2016

Host­ing of pro­vi­sion­al Empan­el­ment sta­tus of Char­tered Accoun­tant firms/LLPs with the O/o C&AG for the year 2015–2016

We have plea­sure to inform that on our sug­ges­tions, O/o C&AG is first time host­ing the Pro­vi­sion­al Pan­el of Char­tered Accoun­tant firms/LLPs for the year 2015–16 for indi­cat­ing the posi­tion (detailed point score) of the firms. Pro­vi­sion­al Empan­el­ment status/Point score of the firms are sub­ject to ver­i­fi­ca­tion of online data with doc­u­ments sub­mit­ted in sup­port of online appli­ca­tion and ICAI data.

The pro­vi­sion­al pan­el will be avail­able at www.saiindia.gov.in from 27 April to 06 May, 2015. The firms will be able to view their posi­tion only after login using their cre­den­tials (user ID and Pass­word). Representation/Queries, if any, for cler­i­cal mis­take in the online data only may be sent to sao2ca5@cag.gov.in by 06 May, 2015 pos­i­tive­ly. Any kind of Representation/Queries received after 06 may 2015 at the O/o C&AG would not be enter­tained. The rep­re­sen­ta­tion will be con­sid­ered on mer­it on case to case basis.

For any query/issue, please con­tact O/o C&AG at sao2ca5@cag.gov.in or at 011–23509223, 011–23509269, 011–23509240 and PDC Sec­re­tari­at at pdc@icai.in or at 011–30110508/444

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