ICAI Doubles the Stipend Payable to Article Assistants
ICAI Doubles the Stipend Payable to Article Assistants from 23rd January, 2015. ICAI increased the stipend of Article assistants by Amending the ICAI Regulations. These regulation may be called as Chartered Accountants (First Amendment) Regulation, 2015.
The New stipend Rate as fixed By ICAI is:
Classification of the normal place of service of the articled assistant | During the first year of training
During the second year of training
During the remaining
period of training |
(i) Cities/towns having a
population of twenty lakhs and above
Rs.2000/- | Rs.2500/- | Rs.3000/- |
(ii) Cities/towns having a
population of four lakhs and above but less than twenty lakhs
Rs.1500/- | Rs.2000/- | Rs.2500/- |
(iii)Cities/towns having a
population of less than four lakhs |
Rs.1000/- | Rs.1500/- | Rs.2000/- |