ICAI Doubles the Stipend Payable to Article Assistants

ICAI Dou­bles the Stipend Payable to Arti­cle Assis­tants from 23rd Jan­u­ary, 2015. ICAI increased the stipend of Arti­cle assis­tants by Amend­ing the ICAI Reg­u­la­tions. These reg­u­la­tion may be called as Char­tered Accoun­tants (First Amend­ment) Reg­u­la­tion, 2015.

The New stipend Rate as fixed By ICAI is:

Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of the nor­mal place of ser­vice of the arti­cled assistant Dur­ing the first year of training


Dur­ing the sec­ond year of training


Dur­ing the remaining

peri­od of training

(i) Cities/towns hav­ing a

pop­u­la­tion of twenty

lakhs and above


Rs.2000/- Rs.2500/- Rs.3000/-
(ii) Cities/towns hav­ing a

pop­u­la­tion of four lakhs

and above but less than twen­ty lakhs


Rs.1500/- Rs.2000/- Rs.2500/-
(iii)Cities/towns hav­ing a

pop­u­la­tion of less than

four lakhs

Rs.1000/- Rs.1500/- Rs.2000/-

Down­load the Noti­fi­ca­tion Issued by ICAI

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