Implementation of Companies Act 2013- Notified Sections so Far
Companies Bill 2012 was passed by Lok Sabha on 18th December, 2012 and subsequently, was passed by the Rajya Sabha on 8th August, 2013. The Act comprises of 29 chapters, 470 Sections with 7 Schedules as against 658 sections and 14 Schedules in the Companies Act, 1956
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs had first notified 98 Sections of the Companies Act, 2013 on 12th September 2013 which became applicable from the same date. Section 135 & Schedule ‑VII was notified on 27th February 2014 & Further MCA had notified 183 Section on 26th March, 2014 which became Applicable from 1st April 2014. There by MCA had notified (98+1+183)= 282 Sections So Far. More 187 Section is pending to be notified by MCA. MCA is yet to notify Sections relating to NFRA, Investor & Education Protection Fund, compromise and arrangement, oppression & mismanagement, winding up, sick companies, special courts and National Company Law Tribunal.