
India’s External debt jumps from $12.6 billion to $346.6 billion in June, 2014

The coun­try’s inter­na­tion­al invest­ment posi­tion (IIP) has dete­ri­o­rat­ed dur­ing the June quar­ter as net claims of non-res­i­dents rose $12.6 bil­lion to $346.6 bil­lion fol­low­ing a sharp­er rise in the val­ue of for­eign-owned assets in the coun­try vis-a-vis rise in the val­ue of res­i­dents’ finan­cial assets abroad.

Net claims of non-res­i­dents on the coun­try, as reflect­ed by the net IIP, rose $12.6 bil­lion to $346.6 bil­lion at the end of the June quar­ter from the pre­vi­ous quar­ter,” the Reserve Bank has said.

This change in the net posi­tion shows a $22.9 bil­lion increase in the val­ue of for­eign-owned assets in the coun­try vis-a-vis a $10.4 bil­lion increase in the val­ue of res­i­dents’ finan­cial assets abroad, the RBI said.

How­ev­er, the ratio of the coun­try’s inter­na­tion­al finan­cial assets to inter­na­tion­al finan­cial lia­bil­i­ties improved to 58.7 per cent in the June quar­ter from 59.1 per cent in the March quarter.

On an annu­al basis, the num­bers dete­ri­o­rat­ed much faster as net IIP in June 2013 quar­ter stood at $313.4 bil­lion, an increase of USD33.2 bil­lion. In the Sep­tem­ber quar­ter of FY14, net IIP had stood at a $302.7 bil­lion while the same was $318.8 bil­lion in the Decem­ber 2013 quarter.

Sim­i­lar­ly, res­i­dents’ finan­cial assets abroad, too, rose $10.4 bil­lion in Q1 to $492.8 bil­lion from $482.4 bil­lion in Q4 of FY14. On an annu­al basis, assets rose by $58.3 bil­lion from $434.5 bil­lion. This stood at $436.7 bil­lion in Q2 of FY14 and at $458.9 bil­lion in Q3 of FY14.

As per the RBI data, dete­ri­o­ra­tion in net IIP was due to a sharp­er spike in the val­ue of for­eign-owned assets in the coun­try vis-a-vis the increase in the val­ue of res­i­dents’ finan­cial assets abroad.

The net IIP mea­sured as finan­cial assets of res­i­dents are claims on non-res­i­dents and gold/bullion held as reserve assets less finan­cial lia­bil­i­ties of the res­i­dents to non-res­i­dents. The IIP shows the val­ue and the com­po­si­tion of the finan­cial assets of res­i­dents that are claims on non-res­i­dents, and gold/bullion held as reserve assets; and the lia­bil­i­ties of res­i­dents to non-residents.

On the com­po­si­tion of exter­nal finan­cial assets and lia­bil­i­ties, RBI said the reserve assets con­tin­ued to have the dom­i­nant share of 64.2 per cent in the over­seas finan­cial assets, fol­lowed by direct invest­ment abroad at 26.2 per cent.

The share of direct invest­ment stood at 29.8 per cent, port­fo­lio invest­ment at 24.3 per cent, loans at 21.5 per cent, and cur­ren­cy and deposits at 12.7 per cent. The share of non-debt lia­bil­i­ties rose mar­gin­al­ly to 46 per cent in Q1 from 45.5 per cent in the pre­vi­ous quarter.

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