
India’s services export at $12.24 billion in August is same as last year

Indi­a’s ser­vices exports in August 2014 were almost same from a year ear­li­er at $12.24 bil­lion. The ser­vices exports by Indi­an firms were at $12.31 bil­lion in August 2013. How­ev­er, import of ser­vices dur­ing the month rose by 7.5 per cent from to $6.77 billion.

The cumu­la­tive receipts (or exports) in ser­vices dur­ing April-August stood at $66.11 bil­lion, while cumu­la­tive pay­ments (or imports) were at $36.87 billion.

Ser­vices export in 2013–14 stood at $167.01 bil­lion. While, imports were at $88.19 billion.

The ser­vices sec­tor con­tributes over 55 per cent to coun­try’s gross domes­tic prod­uct.

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