FinanceIncome TaxPersonal Finance

Interest on Housing loan can be claimed as Deduction from House property & also can be included in cost of Acquisition for Capital Gain simultaneously

Tax benefit on home loan interestAssessee claim deduc­tion of Inter­est on Hous­ing Loan upto Rs. 2 Lakh (from AY 2015–16) to acquire house prop­er­ty u/s 24(b) and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly upon sale of said prop­er­ty, inter­est already claimed as deduc­tion u/s 24(b) can be added to cost of prop­er­ty for the pur­pose of com­put­ing cap­i­tal gain.

Chen­nai Bench of the Income Tax Appel­late Tri­bunal in the case of ACIT v. C. Ram­abrah­mam (2012) where­in the Tri­bunal observed the following :

After perus­ing the above said pro­vi­sions, we are of the opin­ion that deduc­tion under sec­tion 24(b) and com­pu­ta­tion of cap­i­tal gains under sec­tion 48 of the “Act” are alto­geth­er cov­ered by dif­fer­ent heads of income i.e., income from ‘house prop­er­ty’ and ‘cap­i­tal gains’.

A perusal of both the pro­vi­sions makes it unam­bigu­ous that none of them excludes oper­a­tive of the oth­er. In oth­er words, a deduc­tion under sec­tion 24(b) is claimed when con­cerned assessee declares income from ‘house prop­er­ty’, where­as, the cost of the same asset is tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion when it is sold and cap­i­tal gains are com­put­ed under sec­tion 48.

We do not have even a slight­est doubt that the inter­est in ques­tion is indeed an expen­di­ture in acquir­ing the asset. Since both pro­vi­sions are alto­geth­er dif­fer­ent, the assessee in the instant case is cer­tain­ly enti­tled to include the inter­est amount at the time of com­put­ing cap­i­tal gains under sec­tion 48 of the “Act”.

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