Invitation of Research Proposals by ICAI

Research Com­mit­tee is one of the tech­ni­cal com­mit­tees of the Insti­tute. Its pri­ma­ry activ­i­ties include for­mu­lat­ing Guid­ance Notes on account­ing aspects to be issued under the author­i­ty of the Coun­cil of the Insti­tute as well as pub­lish­ing Tech­ni­cal Guides, Stud­ies, Mono­graphs, etc., on gen­er­al­ly accept­ed account­ing prin­ci­ples and prac­tices designed to enhance the val­ue of the ser­vices ren­dered by the profession.

Appli­ca­tions are invit­ed for Research Projects from mem­bers and oth­ers for for­mu­lat­ing Guid­ance Notes on Account­ing from per­spec­tive of the Ind ASs, Com­pa­nies Act, 2013 or oth­er applic­a­ble laws as well as revi­sion of Tech­ni­cal Guides on Account­ing in var­i­ous spe­cif­ic sec­tors. Cer­tain projects which have already been iden­ti­fied to be tak­en up by the Com­mit­tee includes revi­sion of the Guid­ance Note on Accru­al Basis of Account­ing, for­mu­la­tion of a Guid­ance Note on Account­ing issues in Tele­com Indus­try, Tech­ni­cal Guide on Account­ing issues in health care indus­try etc.

The Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Criteria

(a) The appli­cant must be a mem­ber of the Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India with a research apti­tude hav­ing at least 10 years of post-qual­i­fi­ca­tion expe­ri­ence either in the prac­tice of the pro­fes­sion or as an employ­ee with a reput­ed manufacturing/service organ­i­sa­tion; or

(b) The appli­cant must be hold­ing a post-grad­u­ate degree from a recog­nised Uni­ver­si­ty or an insti­tute of nation­al repute and must have at least 10 years research and/or teach­ing experience;

Appli­ca­tions from per­sons hav­ing an expe­ri­ence less than as stat­ed above may also be con­sid­ered on the basis of merit.

The Eval­u­a­tion Criteria

Only those research pro­pos­als will be accept­ed that result in revision/formulation of guid­ance mate­r­i­al in the form of Guid­ance Notes on Account­ing, Tech­ni­cal Guide, Stud­ies, Mono­graphs for the mem­bers of the Insti­tute in account­ing and allied areas, such as the following:

♦ the issues on which no Account­ing Stan­dards are avail­able or

♦ the issues that may arise in the imple­men­ta­tion of Account­ing Stan­dards and oth­er pro­nounce­ments in the indus­try-spe­cif­ic situations.


The dura­tion of research project should not exceed 3 months from the date of the approval of the research pro­pos­al unless a longer peri­od is oth­er­wise justified.

Doc­u­ments to be Sub­mit­ted with the Research Proposal

The pro­pos­al should be accom­pa­nied by a

  • Com­plete bio-data includ­ing expe­ri­ence in the rel­e­vant field of interest. ™
  • Syn­op­sis of the project explic­it­ly spec­i­fy­ing the objec­tive, scope and issues that would be addressed in the final pro­posed doc­u­ment. It should also con­tain a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the pro­pos­al and the detailed chap­ter plan.

Research pro­pos­als com­plete in all respects should be sent to the Sec­re­tary, Research Com­mit­tee, at the fol­low­ing address:

The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India,

ICAI Bhawan,

Post Box No.7100,

Indraprastha Marg,

New Del­hi


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