Invitation to join panel of Commerce Clubs Author

commerce clubFor Publication of Your Article on E mail your articles to Subscribe for daily updates at: Subscribe to Commerce Club would like to invite to join our esteemed pan­el of Authors. Authors who like to be  a part of and want their arti­cle pub­lished on our web­site can mail their arti­cle to us and we will pub­lish the same with due cred­it to the author. Our email id is . is a focused plat­form on Direct & Indi­rect tax­a­tion, Account­ing, Finance, Audit and Cor­po­rate law made to share our prac­ti­cal knowl­edge as well as all updates with the Pro­fes­sion­als & Stu­dents. We are cur­rent­ly pro­vid­ing all updates and analy­sis on tax­a­tion, Account­ing, Finance, Audit, Com­pa­ny Law & oth­er rel­e­vant stat­ues cov­er­ing the whole tax gamut of India. We pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al in the field of Accounts, tax­a­tion & finance reg­u­lar updates & changes in the above fields.

With the launch of it’s get­ting huge traf­fic of pro­fes­sion­als & stu­dents which is increas­ing day by day what mak­ing us pop­u­lar in the field of all mat­ters relat­ed to commerce.

For Publication of Your Article on E mail your articles to

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Your Arti­cles should not be too lengthy & with­in a word lim­it of 2500 with a pre­cise & rel­e­vant head­ing. Send your arti­cles with your name & con­tact details, you can also send your pass­port size pho­to­graph for pub­li­ca­tion with your article.

We wel­come your sug­ges­tions on fea­tures which can help us improve our platform.

For Publication of Your Article on E mail your articles to

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