Direct Tax

last date of TDS/TCS return extended in 4 states

Last date of fil­ing of the TDS/TCS State­ments for the 2nd Quar­ter of Finan­cial year 2014–15 for the deductors/collectors in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Jam­mu & Kash­mir, Odisha & Telan­gana extended.

In view of the recent nat­ur­al calami­ties in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Jam­mu & Kash­mir, Odisha & Telan­gana, the Cen­tral Board of Direct Tax­es has issued an order extend­ing the due date for fil­ing the TDS/TCS State­ments for the 2nd Quar­ter of Finan­cial year 2014–15 by the deductors/collectors in these States. In case of Gov­ern­ment deductors/collectors that are mapped to a valid AIN, the due date is extend­ed from 31st Octo­ber, 2014 to 7th Novem­ber, 2014. In case of all oth­er deductors/collectors, the due date is extend­ed from 15th Octo­ber, 2014 to 31st Octo­ber, 2014. Told by CBDT in a press release

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