Launching batch of the Certificate Course on Valuation at Jamshedpur

The Cor­po­rate Laws & Cor­po­rate Gov­er­nance Com­mit­tee of ICAI is launch­ing its first batch for the Cer­tifi­cate Course on Val­u­a­tion at Jamshed­pur from 26th April, 2015.

The total dura­tion of the course is spread over 7 full day class­es held on week­ends between 10 am to 5 pm. The Course Fees is Rs. 20,000 which can be paid on the spot by DD/ Cheque payable at par all over India” The Sec­re­tary, The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India”.

Please sub­mit your reg­is­tra­tion form with pho­to, DD, and mem­ber­ship proof at the venue itself on the first day of the com­mence­ment of the course. Final dates and venue details in case of any change will be informed to you in due course of time.

All rel­e­vant details of the course and reg­is­tra­tion form have been host­ed on the web­site of the Insti­tute at:

Ten­ta­tive class sched­ule for the same is as below:

Class Sched­ule Cer­tifi­cate Course on Val­u­a­tion at Jamshedpur

Ses­sion & Time Top­ic
Day 1: 26th April, 2015,
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Val­u­a­tion Overview, Basic Tech­niques, Impair­ment and Fair Val­ue Con­cept, Val­u­a­tion under Com­pa­nies Act 2013
Day 2: 02nd May, 2015,
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
DCF Mod­el, Fore­cast­ing, Cost of Cap­i­tal, Dis­counts, Pre­mi­ums, DCF as a mod­el for Val­u­a­tion of Shares
Day 3: 03rd May, 2015,
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Exam­ples of Spe­cif­ic Indus­try in case of Val­u­a­tion (includ­ing Case Stud­ies on small business/ small retail shops/ cin­e­ma the­atres), Mul­ti­ple meth­ods of Val­u­a­tion, Options, Basics of Options, ESOP only sig­nif­i­cant portion
Day 4: 9th May, 2015,
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Merg­er and Acqui­si­tion, Val­u­a­tion for tax Pur­pos­es, Close­ly held Com­pa­nies, Stressed Assets for Asset Restruc­tur­ing Com­pa­nies and Banks, Val­u­a­tion of Com­plex Securities
Day 5: 10th May, 2015,
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Gen­er­al Con­sid­er­a­tions in Val­u­a­tion with Case Study and Val­u­a­tion of Intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty and Human resources with case study, Brands and Copy­rights, regres­sion Analysis
Day 6: 16th May, 2015,
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Val­u­a­tion — Effec­tive use of excel spread sheets Draft­ing a Val­u­a­tion Report Val­u­a­tion as a Pro­fes­sion — com­pe­tence, qual­i­ty and ethics
Day 7: 17th May, 2015,
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Prac­ti­cal case stud­ies, Ques­tions and Answers ses­sion, (Par­tic­i­pants to present case study of their choice before the fac­ul­ty for dis­cus­sion for 5 min­utes in group. This is for the bet­ter under­stand­ing of the sub­ject and solu­tion to the prob­lems for dif­fi­cul­ties faced in prac­ti­cal case studies)

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