Direct Tax

List of benefits available to Salaried Persons for A.Y. 2015–2016


List of ben­e­fits avail­able to Salaried Persons

SL No Sec­tion Par­tic­u­lars Ben­e­fits
1 10(13A) House Rent Allowance (Sec.

10(13A) & Rule 2A)

Least of the fol­low­ing is exempt:

a) Actu­al HRA Received

b) 40% of Salary (50%, if house sit­u­at­ed in

Mum­bai, Cal­cut­ta, Del­hi or Madras)

c) Rent paid minus 10% of salary

* Salary= Basic + DA (if part of retire­ment benefit)

+ Turnover based Commission


i. Ful­ly Tax­able, if HRA is received by an

employ­ee who is liv­ing in his own house or if

he does not pay any rent

ii. It is manda­to­ry for employ­ee to report PAN

of the land­lord to the employ­er if rent paid is

more than Rs. 1,00,000 [Cir­cu­lar No. 08

/2013 dat­ed 10th Octo­ber, 2013].

2 10(14) Chil­dren Edu­ca­tion Allowance Up to Rs. 100 per month per child up to a

max­i­mum of 2 chil­dren is exempt

3 10(14) Hos­tel Expen­di­ture Allowance Up to Rs. 300 per month per child up to a

max­i­mum of 2 chil­dren is exempt

4 10(14) Trans­port Allowance grant­ed to an employ­ee to meet expen­di­ture on com­mut­ing between place of res­i­dence and place of duty. Up to Rs. 800 per month (Rs. 1,600 per month for blind and hand­i­capped employ­ees) is exempt.
5 10(14) Trans­port Allowance to an employ­ee work­ing in any trans­port busi­ness to meet his per­son­al expen­di­ture dur­ing his duty per­formed in the course of run­ning of such trans­port from one place to anoth­er place provided

employ­ee is not in receipt of dai­ly allowance.

Amount of exemp­tion shall be low­er of following:

a)      70% of such allowance; or

b)      Rs. 10,000 per month.

6 10(14) Con­veyance Allowance grant­ed to meet the expen­di­ture on conveyance

in per­for­mance of duties of an office

Exempt to the extent of expen­di­ture incurred
7 10(14) Any Allowance grant­ed to meet the cost of trav­el on tour or on transfer. Exempt to the extent of expen­di­ture incurred
8 10(14) Dai­ly Allowance to meet the ordi­nary dai­ly charges incurred by an employ­ee on account of absence from his nor­mal place of duty Exempt to the extent of expen­di­ture incurred
9 10(14) Helper/Assistant Allowance Exempt to the extent of expen­di­ture incurred
10 10(14) Research Allowance grant­ed for encour­ag­ing the aca­d­e­m­ic research and oth­er pro­fes­sion­al pursuits Exempt to the extent of expen­di­ture incurred
11 10(14) Uni­form Allowance Exempt to the extent of expen­di­ture incurred
12 10(7) For­eign allowances or perquisites paid or allowed by Gov­ern­ment to its employ­ees (an Indi­an cit­i­zen) posted

out­side India

Ful­ly Exempt
13 - Allowances to Judges of High

Court/Supreme Court (Sub­ject to cer­tain conditions)

Ful­ly Exempt
14 10(45) Fol­low­ing allowances and perquisites giv­en to serv­ing Chairman/Member of UPSC is exempt from tax:

a) Val­ue of rent free offi­cial residence

b) Val­ue of con­veyance facil­i­ties includ­ing trans­port allowance

c) Sump­tu­ary allowance

d) Leave trav­el concession

Ful­ly Exempt
15 - Allowances paid by the UNO to its employees Ful­ly Exempt
16 10(45) Allowances to Retired Chairman/Members of UPSC

(Sub­ject to cer­tain conditions)

Exempt sub­ject to max­i­mum of Rs.14,000 per month for defray­ing ser­vices of an order­ly and for sec­re­tar­i­al assis­tant on con­tract basis.

The val­ue of res­i­den­tial tele­phone free of cost and the num­ber of free calls to the extent of 1500 per month shall be exempt.

17 10(14) Spe­cial com­pen­sato­ry Allowance (Hilly Areas) (Sub­ject to cer­tain con­di­tions and locations) Amount exempt from tax varies from Rs. 300 per month to Rs. 7,000 per month.
18 10(14) Bor­der area allowances, Remote Local­i­ty allowance or Dis­turbed Area allowance or Dif­fi­cult Area Allowance (Sub­ject to cer­tain con­di­tions and locations) Amount exempt from tax varies from Rs. 200 per month to Rs. 1,300 per month.
19 10(14) Trib­al area allowance giv­en in (a) Mad­hya Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu © Uttar Pradesh (d) Kar­nata­ka (e) Tripu­ra (f) Assam (g) West Bengal

(h) Bihar (i) Orissa

Rs. 200 per month
20 10(14) Com­pen­sato­ry Field Area

Allowance. If this exemp­tion is tak­en, employ­ee can­not claim any exemp­tion in respect of bor­der area allowance (Sub­ject to certain

con­di­tions and locations)

Rs. 2,600 per month
21 10(14) Com­pen­sato­ry Mod­i­fied Area

Allowance. If this exemp­tion is tak­en, employ­ee can­not claim any exemp­tion in respect of bor­der area

allowance (Sub­ject to certain

con­di­tions and locations)

Rs. 1,000 per month
22 10(14) Counter Insur­gency Allowance grant­ed to mem­bers of Armed Forces oper­at­ing in areas away from

their per­ma­nent loca­tions. If this exemp­tion is tak­en, employ­ee can­not claim any exemp­tion in respect of

bor­der area allowance (Sub­ject to cer­tain con­di­tions and locations)

Rs. 3,900 per month
23 10(14) Under­ground Allowance is grant­ed to employ­ees work­ing in uncon­ge­nial, unnat­ur­al cli­mate in under­ground mines Up to Rs. 800 per month
24 10(14) High Alti­tude Allowance is grant­ed to armed forces oper­at­ing in high alti­tude areas (Sub­ject to certain

con­di­tions and locations)

a) Up to Rs. 1,060 per month (for alti­tude of 9,000 to 15,000 feet)

b) Up to Rs. 1,600 per month (for alti­tude above 15,000 feet)

25 10(14) High­ly active field area allowance grant­ed to mem­bers of armed forces (Sub­ject to cer­tain con­di­tions and


Up to Rs. 4,200 per month
26 10(14) Island Duty Allowance grant­ed to mem­bers of armed forces in Andaman and Nico­bar and Lak­shad­weep group of Island (Sub­ject to cer­tain con­di­tions and


Up to Rs. 3,250 per month
B Perquisites
1 17(2)(i)

read with

Rule 3(1)

Rent free unfurnished

accom­mo­da­tion pro­vid­ed to Cen­tral and State Gov­ern­ment employees

License Fees deter­mined in accor­dance with rules framed by Gov­ern­ment for allot­ment of hous­es shall be deemed to be the tax­able val­ue of perquisites.
2 17(2)


read with

Rule 3(1)

Unfur­nished rent free accom­mo­da­tion pro­vid­ed to oth­er employees Tax­able val­ue of perquisites

A. If House Prop­er­ty is owned by the employer:

i. 15% of salary, if pop­u­la­tion of city where accom­mo­da­tion is pro­vid­ed exceeds 25 lakhs as per 2001 census

ii. 10% of salary, if pop­u­la­tion of city where accom­mo­da­tion is pro­vid­ed exceeds 10 lakhs but does not exceed 25 lakhs as per 2001 census

iii. 7.5% of salary, if accom­mo­da­tion is pro­vid­ed in any oth­er city

B. If House Prop­er­ty is tak­en on lease or rent by the employer

i. Lease rent paid or payable by the employ­er or 15% of the salary, whichev­er is lower

*Salary includes:

a) Basic Pay

b) Dear­ness Allowance (only to the extent it

forms part of retire­ment ben­e­fit salary)

c) Bonus

d) Com­mis­sion

e) All oth­er allowances (only tax­able portion)

f) Any mon­e­tary pay­ment which is charge­able to tax

But does not include

i. Val­ue of any perquisite [under sec­tion 17(2)]

ii. Employer’s con­tri­bu­tion to PF

iii. Ben­e­fits received at the time of retire­ment like gra­tu­ity, pen­sion etc.



1) Rent free accom­mo­da­tion is not charge­able to tax if pro­vid­ed to an employ­ee work­ing at min­ing site or an on-shore oil explo­ration site, etc.,—

(i) which is being of tem­po­rary nature (sub­ject to conditions)

(ii) which is locat­ed in remote area.

2) Rent free accom­mo­da­tion if pro­vid­ed to High Court or Supreme Court Judges, Union Min­is­ters, Leader of Oppo­si­tion in

Par­lia­ment, an offi­cial in Par­lia­ment and

Serv­ing Chair­man and mem­bers of UPSC is Tax Free Perquisites.

3) The val­ue so deter­mined shall be reduced by the amount of rent, if any, paid by the employee.

4) If employ­ee is trans­ferred and retain prop­er­ty at both the places, the tax­able val­ue of perquisites for ini­tial peri­od of 90 days shall be deter­mined with ref­er­ence to only one accom­mo­da­tion (at the option of the assessee). The oth­er one will be tax free.

How­ev­er after 90 days, tax­able val­ue of

perquisites shall be charged with ref­er­ence to both the accommodations.

3 17(2)(i)

read with

Rule 3(1)

Rent free fur­nished accommodation Tax­able val­ue of perquisites

a) Find out tax­able val­ue of perquisite assum­ing accom­mo­da­tion to be pro­vid­ed to the employ­ee is unfurnished

b) Add: 10% of orig­i­nal cost of fur­ni­ture and fix­tures (if these are owned by the employ­er) or actu­al high­er charges paid or payable (if these are tak­en on rent by the employer).

Note: The val­ue so deter­mined shall be reduced by the amount of rent, if any, paid by the employee

4 17(2)(i)

read with

Rule 3(1)

A fur­nished accom­mo­da­tion in a Hotel Tax­able val­ue of perquisites

Val­ue of perquisite shall be low­er of following:

a) Actu­al charges paid or payable by the

employ­er to such hotel

b) 24% of salary

Note: Hotel accom­mo­da­tion will not be chargeable

to tax if :

a) It is pro­vid­ed for a total peri­od not exceed­ing in aggre­gate 15 days in the finan­cial year; and

b) Such accom­mo­da­tion in hotel is pro­vid­ed on employee’s trans­fer from one place to anoth­er place.

5 17(2)(iii)

read with

Rule 3(2)

Motor Car / Oth­er Conveyance Tax­able val­ue of perquisites (See Note 1


6 17(2)(iii)

read with

Rule 3(3)

Ser­vices of a domes­tic servant

includ­ing sweep­er, gardener,

watch­men or per­son­al attendant

Tax­able val­ue of perquisite shall be salary paid or payable by the employ­er for such ser­vices less any amount recov­ered from the employee.
7 17(2)(iii)

read with

Rule 3(4)

Sup­ply of gas, elec­tric­i­ty or water for house­hold purposes Tax­able val­ue of perquisites:

1. Man­u­fac­tur­ing cost per unit incurred by the employ­er., if pro­vid­ed from resources owned by the employer;

2. Amount paid by the employ­er, if pur­chased by the employ­er from out­side agency


i. Any amount recov­ered from the employ­ee shall be deduct­ed from the tax­able val­ue of perquisite.

j. Tax­able in case of spec­i­fied employ­ees only [See note 4]

8 17(2)(iii)

read with

Rule 3(5)

Edu­ca­tion Facilities Tax­able val­ue of perquisites (See Note 2


9 17(2)(iii)

read with

Rule 3(6)

Trans­port facil­i­ties pro­vid­ed by the employ­er engaged in car­riage of pas­sen­ger or goods (except Air­lines or Railways) Val­ue at which ser­vices are offered by the employ­er to the pub­lic less amount recov­ered from the employ­ee shall be a tax­able perquisite
10 17(2)(v) Amount payable by the employ­er to effect an insur­ance on life of

employ­ee or to effect a con­tract for an annuity

Ful­ly Taxable
11 17(2)(vi)

read with

Rule 3(8)

ESOP/ Sweat Equi­ty Shares Tax­able val­ue of perquisites

Fair Mar­ket val­ue of shares or secu­ri­ties on the date of exer­cise of option by the assessee less amount recov­ered from the employ­ee in respect of such shares shall be the tax­able val­ue of perquisites.

Fair Mar­ket Val­ue shall be deter­mined as follows:

a) In case of list­ed Shares: Aver­age of open­ing and clos­ing price as on date of exer­cise of option (Sub­ject to cer­tain con­di­tions and circumstances)

b) In case of unlist­ed shares/ secu­ri­ty oth­er than equi­ty shares: Val­ue deter­mined by a

Mer­chant Banker as on date of exer­cise of

option or an ear­li­er date, not being a date

which is more than 180 days ear­li­er than the date of exer­cise of the option.

12 17(2)(vii) Employer’s con­tri­bu­tion towards super­an­nu­a­tion fund Tax­able in the hands of employ­ee to the extent such con­tri­bu­tion exceed Rs.1,00,000
13 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Inter­est free loan or Loan at

con­ces­sion­al rate of interest

Inter­est free loan or loan at con­ces­sion­al rate of inter­est giv­en by an employ­er to the employ­ee (or any mem­ber of his house­hold) is a perquisite charge­able to tax in the hands of all employ­ees on

fol­low­ing basis:

1. Find out the ‘max­i­mum out­stand­ing month­ly bal­ance’ (i.e. the aggre­gate out­stand­ing bal­ance for each loan as on the last day of each month);

2. Find out rate of inter­est charged by the SBI as on the first day of rel­e­vant pre­vi­ous year in respect of loan for the same pur­pose advanced by it;

3. Cal­cu­late inter­est for each month of the

pre­vi­ous year on the out­stand­ing amount

(men­tioned in point 1) at the rate of inter­est (giv­en in point 2)

4. Inter­est actu­al­ly recov­ered, if any, from


5. The bal­ance amount (point 3‑point 4) is

tax­able val­ue of perquisite

Noth­ing is tax­able if:

a) Loan in aggre­gate does not exceed Rs 20,000

b) Loan is pro­vid­ed for treat­ment of spec­i­fied dis­eases (Rule 3A) like neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­eases, Can­cer, AIDS, Chron­ic renal fail­ure, Hemo­phil­ia (spec­i­fied dis­eases). How­ev­er, exemp­tion is not applic­a­ble to so much of the loan as has been reim­bursed to the employ­ee under any med­ical insur­ance scheme.

14 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Facil­i­ty of trav­el­ling, tour­ing and accom­mo­da­tion availed of by the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his house­hold for any holiday a) Perquisite val­ue tax­able in the hands of

employ­ee shall be expen­di­ture incurred by

the employ­er less amount recov­ered from


b) Where such facil­i­ty is main­tained by the employ­er, and is not avail­able uni­form­ly to all employ­ees, the val­ue of ben­e­fit shall be tak­en to be the val­ue at which such facil­i­ties are offered by oth­er agen­cies to the pub­lic less amount recov­ered from employee.

15 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Free food and bev­er­ages pro­vid­ed to the employee 1) Ful­ly Tax­able: Free meals in excess of Rs. 50 per meal less amount paid by the employ­ee shall be a tax­able perquisite

2) Exempt from tax: Fol­low­ing free meals shall be exempt from tax

a) Food and non-alco­holic beverages

pro­vid­ed dur­ing work­ing hours in

remote area or in an off­shore installation;

b) Tea, Cof­fee or Non-Alcoholic

bev­er­ages and Snacks dur­ing work­ing hours are tax free perquisites;

c) Food in office premis­es or through

non-trans­fer­able paid vouchers

usable only at eat­ing joints provided

by an employ­er is not tax­able, if cost to the employ­er is Rs. 50(or less) per meal.

16 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Gift or Vouch­er or Coupon on

cer­e­mo­ni­al occa­sions or oth­er­wise pro­vid­ed to the employee

a) Gifts in cash or con­vert­ible into mon­ey (like gift cheque) are ful­ly taxable

b) Gift in kind up to Rs.5,000 in aggre­gate per annum would be exempt, beyond which it would be taxable.

17 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Cred­it Card a) Expen­di­ture incurred by the employ­er in respect of cred­it card used by the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his house­hold less amount recov­ered from the employ­ee is a tax­able perquisite

b) Expens­es incurred for offi­cial pur­pos­es shall not be a tax­able perquisite provided

com­plete details in respect of such expen­di­ture are main­tained by the employer

18 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Free Recreation/ Club Facilities a) Expen­di­ture incurred by the employ­er towards annu­al or peri­od­i­cal fee etc. (exclud­ing ini­tial fee to acquire cor­po­rate mem­ber­ship) less amount recov­ered from the employ­ee is a tax­able perquisite

b) Expens­es incurred on club facil­i­ties for the offi­cial pur­pos­es are exempt from tax.

c) Use of health club, sports and sim­i­lar facil­i­ties pro­vid­ed uni­form­ly to all employ­ees shall be exempt from tax.

19 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Use of mov­able assets of the

employ­er by the employ­ee is a

tax­able perquisite

Tax­able val­ue of perquisites

a) Use of Lap­tops and Com­put­ers: Nil

b) Mov­able asset oth­er than Lap­tops, com­put­ers and Motor Car*: 10% of orig­i­nal cost of the asset (if asset is owned by the employ­er) or actu­al high­er charges incurred by the employ­er (if asset is tak­en on rent) less amount recov­ered from employee.

*See Note 1 for com­pu­ta­tion of perquisite val­ue in case of use of the Motor Car

20 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Trans­fer of mov­able assets by an employ­er to its employee Tax­able val­ue of perquisites

a) Com­put­ers, Lap­top and Elec­tron­ics items:

Actu­al cost of asset less depre­ci­a­tion at 50% (using reduc­ing bal­ance method) for each com­plet­ed year of usage by employ­er less amount recov­ered from the employee

b) Motor Car: Actu­al cost of asset less

depre­ci­a­tion at 20% (using reduc­ing bal­ance method) for each com­plet­ed year of usage by employ­er less amount recov­ered from the employee

c) Oth­er mov­able assets: Actu­al cost of asset less depre­ci­a­tion at 10% (on SLM basis) for each com­plet­ed year of usage by employ­er less amount recov­ered from the employee.

21 17(2)(viii)

read with

Rule 3(7)


Any oth­er ben­e­fit or amenity

extend­ed by employ­er to employee

Tax­able val­ue of perquisite shall be com­put­ed on the basis of cost to the employ­er (under an arm’s length trans­ac­tion) less amount recov­ered from the employee.

How­ev­er expens­es on tele­phones includ­ing a mobile phone incurred by the employ­er on behalf of employ­ee shall not be treat­ed as tax­able perquisite.

22 10(10CC) Tax paid by the employ­er on

perquisites (not pro­vid­ed for by way of mon­e­tary pay­ments) giv­en to employee

Ful­ly exempt
23 10(5) Leave Trav­el Con­ces­sion or

Assis­tance (LTC/LTA), extend­ed by an employ­er to an employ­ee for going any­where in India along with his family*

*Fam­i­ly includes spouse, chil­dren and depen­dent brother/sister/parents. How­ev­er, fam­i­ly doesn’t include more than 2 chil­dren of an Indi­vid­ual born on or after 01-10-1998.

The exemp­tion shall be lim­it­ed to fare for going any­where in India along with fam­i­ly twice in a block of four years:

i. Exemp­tion lim­it where jour­ney is per­formed by Air — Air fare of econ­o­my class in the Nation­al Car­ri­er by the short­est route or the amount spent, whichev­er is less

ii. Exemp­tion lim­it where jour­ney is per­formed by Rail — Air-con­di­tioned first class rail fare by the short­est route or the amount spent, whichev­er is less

iii. Exemp­tion lim­it if places of ori­gin of jour­ney and des­ti­na­tion are con­nect­ed by rail but the jour­ney is per­formed by any oth­er mode of trans­port — Air-con­di­tioned first class rail fare by the short­est route or the amount spent, whichev­er is less

iv. Exemp­tion lim­it where the places of ori­gin of jour­ney and des­ti­na­tion are not con­nect­ed by rail:

a. Where a rec­og­nized pub­lic transport

sys­tem exists — First Class or deluxe

class fare by the short­est route or the

amount spent, whichev­er is less

b. Where no rec­og­nized pub­lic transport

sys­tem exists — Air con­di­tioned first

class rail fare by short­est route or the

amount spent, whichev­er is less


i. Two jour­neys in a block of 4 cal­en­dar years is exempt

ii. Tax­able only in case of Spec­i­fied Employees

[See note 4]

24 Pro­vi­so to section


Med­ical facil­i­ties in India 1) Expense incurred or reim­bursed by the

employ­er for the med­ical treat­ment of the

employ­ee or his fam­i­ly (spouse and chil­dren, depen­dent — par­ents, broth­ers and sis­ters) in any of the fol­low­ing hos­pi­tal is not charge­able to tax in the hands of the employee:

a) Hos­pi­tal main­tained by the employer.

b) Hos­pi­tal main­tained by the Government

or Local Author­i­ty or any oth­er hos­pi­tal approved by Cen­tral Government

c) Hos­pi­tal approved by the Chief

Com­mis­sion­er hav­ing regard to the

pre­scribed guide­lines for treat­ment of

the pre­scribed diseases.

2) Med­ical insur­ance pre­mi­um paid or

reim­bursed by the employ­er is not

charge­able to tax.

3) Any oth­er expen­di­ture incurred or reim­bursed by the employ­er for pro­vid­ing med­ical facil­i­ty in India is not charge­able to tax up to Rs. 15,000 in aggre­gate per assess­ment year.

25 Pro­vi­so to



Med­ical facil­i­ties out­side India Any expen­di­ture incurred or reim­bursed by the employ­er for med­ical treat­ment of the employ­ee or his fam­i­ly mem­ber out­side India is exempt to the extent of fol­low­ing (sub­ject to cer­tain condition):

a) Expens­es on med­ical treat­ment — exempt to the extent per­mit­ted by RBI.

b) Expens­es on stay abroad for patient and one atten­dant — exempt to the extent per­mit­ted by RBI.

c) Cost on trav­el of the employ­ee or any fam­i­ly or one atten­dant — exempt, if Gross Total Income (before includ­ing the travel

expen­di­ture) of the employ­ee, does not

exceed Rs. 2,00,000.

C Deduc­tion from salary
1 16 (ii) Enter­tain­ment Allowance received by the Gov­ern­ment employ­ees (Ful­ly tax­able in case of oth­er employees) Least of the fol­low­ing is deductible :

a) Rs 5,000

b) 1/5th of salary (exclud­ing any allowance, ben­e­fits or oth­er perquisite)

c) Actu­al enter­tain­ment allowance received

2 16(iii) Employ­ment Tax/Professional Tax. Amount actu­al­ly paid dur­ing the year is deductible. How­ev­er, if pro­fes­sion­al tax is paid by the employ­er on behalf of its employ­ee than it is first includ­ed in the salary of the employ­ee as a perquisite and then same amount is allowed as deduction.
D Retire­ment Benefits
a) Leave Encashment
1 10(10AA) Encash­ment of unuti­lized earned leave at the time of retire­ment of Gov­ern­ment employees Ful­ly Exempt
2 10(10AA) Encash­ment of unuti­lized earned leave at the time of retire­ment of oth­er employ­ees (not being a Gov­ern­ment employee) Least of the fol­low­ing shall be exempt from tax:

a) Amount actu­al­ly received

b) Unuti­lized earned leave* X Aver­age monthly


c) 10 months Aver­age Salary**

d) Rs. 3,00,000

*While com­put­ing unuti­lized earned leave, earned leave enti­tle­ments can­not exceed 30 days for each year of ser­vice ren­dered to the cur­rent employer

**Aver­age salary = Aver­age Salary*** of last 10 months imme­di­ate­ly pre­ced­ing the retirement

***Salary = Basic Pay + Dear­ness Allowance (to the extent it forms part of retire­ment ben­e­fits)+ turnover based commission

b) Retrench­ment Compensation
1 10(10B) Retrench­ment Compensation

received by a work­man under the Indus­tri­al Dis­pute Act, 1947(Subject to cer­tain conditions).

Least of the fol­low­ing shall be exempt from tax:

a) an amount cal­cu­lat­ed as per sec­tion 25F(b)of the Indus­tri­al Dis­putes Act, 1947;

b) Rs. 5,00,000; or

c) Amount actu­al­ly received


i. Relief under Sec­tion 89(1) is available

ii. 15 days aver­age pay for each com­plet­ed year of con­tin­u­ous ser­vice or any part there­of in excess of 6 months is to be adopt­ed under sec­tion 25F(b) of the Indus­tri­al Dis­putes Act, 1947.

c) Gra­tu­ity
1 10(10)(i) Gra­tu­ity received by Gov­ern­ment Employ­ees (Oth­er than employ­ees of

statu­to­ry corporations)

Ful­ly Exempt
2 10(10)(ii) Death ‑cum-Retire­ment Gra­tu­ity received by oth­er employ­ees who are cov­ered under Gra­tu­ity Act, 1972

(oth­er than Gov­ern­ment employ­ee) (Sub­ject to cer­tain conditions).

Least of fol­low­ing amount is exempt from tax:

1. (*15/26) X Last drawn salary** X completed

year of ser­vice or part there­of in excess of 6 months.

2. Rs. 10,00,000

3. Gra­tu­ity actu­al­ly received.

*7 days in case of employ­ee of seasonal


** Salary = Last drawn salary includ­ing DA but exclud­ing any bonus, com­mis­sion, HRA, over­time and any oth­er allowance, ben­e­fits or perquisite

3 10(10)(iii) Death ‑cum-Retire­ment Gra­tu­ity received by oth­er employ­ees who are not cov­ered under Gra­tu­ity Act,

1972 (oth­er than Government

employ­ee) (Sub­ject to certain


Least of fol­low­ing amount is exempt from tax:

1. Half month’s Aver­age Salary* X Com­plet­ed years of service

2. Rs. 10,00,000

3. Gra­tu­ity actu­al­ly received.

*Aver­age salary = Aver­age Salary of last 10 months imme­di­ate­ly pre­ced­ing the month of retirement

** Salary = Basic Pay + Dear­ness Allowance (to the extent it forms part of retire­ment ben­e­fits)+ turnover based commission

d) Pen­sion
1 - Pen­sion received from Unit­ed Nation Orga­ni­za­tion by the employ­ee of his fam­i­ly members Ful­ly Exempt
2 10(10A)


Com­mut­ed Pen­sion received by an employ­ee Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment, State Gov­ern­ment, Local Authority

Employ­ees and Statutory


Ful­ly Exempt
3 10(10A)


Com­mut­ed Pen­sion received by oth­er employ­ees who also receive gratuity 1/3 of full val­ue of com­mut­ed pen­sion will be exempt from tax
4 10(10A)


Com­mut­ed Pen­sion received by oth­er employ­ees who do not receive any gratuity 1/2 of full val­ue of com­mut­ed pen­sion will be exempt from tax
5 10(19) Fam­i­ly Pen­sion received by the fam­i­ly mem­bers of Armed Forces Ful­ly Exempt
6 57(iia) Fam­i­ly pen­sion received by fam­i­ly mem­bers in any oth­er case 33.33% of Fam­i­ly Pen­sion sub­ject to max­i­mum of Rs. 15,000 shall be exempt from tax
e) Vol­un­tary Retirement
1 10(10C) Amount received on Vol­un­tary Retire­ment or Vol­un­tary Separation

(Sub­ject to cer­tain conditions)

Least of the fol­low­ing is exempt from tax:

1) Actu­al amount received as per the guide­lines i.e. least of the following

a) 3 months salary for each com­plet­ed year of services

b) Salary at the time of retire­ment X No. of months of ser­vices left for retire­ment; or

2) Rs. 5,00,000

f) Prov­i­dent Fund
1 - Employee’s Prov­i­dent Fund For tax­a­bil­i­ty of con­tri­bu­tion made to var­i­ous employee’s prov­i­dent fund and inter­est aris­ing there­on see Note 3.
E Arrear of Salary and relief under sec­tion 89(1)
1 15 Arrear of salary and advance salary Tax­able in the year of receipt. How­ev­er relief under sec­tion 89 is available
2 89 Relief under Sec­tion 89 If an indi­vid­ual receives any por­tion of his salary in arrears or in advance or receives prof­its in lieu of salary, he can claim relief as per pro­vi­sions of sec­tion 89 read with rule 21A
F Oth­er Benefits
1 - Lump-sum pay­ment made

gra­tu­itous­ly or by way of

com­pen­sa­tion or oth­er­wise to wid­ow or oth­er legal heirs of an employ­ee who dies while still in active ser­vice [Cir­cu­lar No. 573, dat­ed 21–08- 1990]

Ful­ly Exempt in the hands of wid­ow or oth­er legal heirs of employee
2 - Ex-gra­tia pay­ment to a per­son (or legal heirs) by Cen­tral or State Gov­ern­ment, Local Author­i­ty or Pub­lic Sec­tor Under­tak­ing con­se­quent upon injury to the per­son or death of fam­i­ly mem­ber while on

duty [Cir­cu­lar No. 776, dat­ed 08- 06–1999]

Ful­ly Exempt in the hands of indi­vid­ual or legal heirs
3 - Salary received from Unit­ed Nation Orga­ni­za­tion [Cir­cu­lar No. 293, dat­ed 10-02-1981] Ful­ly Exempt
4 10(6)(ii) Salary received by for­eign nation­al as an offi­cials of an embassy, high com­mis­sion, lega­tion, con­sulate or

trade rep­re­sen­ta­tion of a for­eign state

Ful­ly Exempt if cor­re­spond­ing offi­cial in that for­eign coun­try enjoys a sim­i­lar exemption.
5 10(6)(vi) Remu­ner­a­tion received by non­res­i­dent for­eign cit­i­zen as an employ­ee of a for­eign enter­prise for ser­vices ren­dered in India, if:

a) For­eign enter­prise is not

engaged in any trade or busi­ness in India

b) His stay in India does not

exceed in aggre­gate a period

of 90 days in such previous


c) Such remu­ner­a­tion is not liable to deduct­ed from the income of employ­er charge­able under this Act

Ful­ly exempt
6 10(6)(viii) Salary received by a non-res­i­dent for­eign nation­al for ser­vices ren­dered in con­nec­tion with his employ­ment on a for­eign ship if his total stay in India

does not exceed 90 days in the

pre­vi­ous year.

Ful­ly exempt
7 - Salary and allowances received by a teacher /professor from SAARC

mem­ber state (Sub­ject to cer­tain conditions).

Ful­ly Exempt

1. Motor Car (tax­able only in case of spec­i­fied employ­ees [See note 4] except when car owned by the

employ­ee is used by him or mem­bers of his house­hold whol­ly for per­son­al pur­pos­es and for which

reim­burse­ment is made by the employer)



Cir­cum­stances Engine Capac­i­ty up to 1600 cc

(val­ue of perquisite )

Engine Capac­i­ty above 1600

cc (val­ue of perquisite)

1 Motor Car is owned or hired by the employer
1.1 Where main­te­nances and run­ning expens­es includ­ing remu­ner­a­tion of the chauf­feur are met or

reim­bursed by the employer.



If car is used whol­ly and

exclu­sive­ly in the per­for­mance of offi­cial duties.

Ful­ly exempt sub­ject to

main­te­nance of specified


Ful­ly exempt sub­ject to main­te­nance of spec­i­fied documents
1.1‑B If car is used exclu­sive­ly for the per­son­al pur­pos­es of the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his household. Actu­al amount of expen­di­ture incurred by the employ­er on the

run­ning and main­te­nance of motor car includ­ing remu­ner­a­tion paid

by the employ­er to the chauf­feur and increased by the amount

rep­re­sent­ing nor­mal wear and tear of the motor car at 10% p.a. of

the cost of vehi­cle less any amount charged from the employ­ee for

such use is taxable



The motor car is used part­ly in the per­for­mance of duties and part­ly for per­son­al pur­pos­es of the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his household. Rs. 1,800 per month (plus Rs. 900 per month, if chauf­feur is also pro­vid­ed to run the motor car) Rs. 2,400 per month (plus Rs. 900 per month, if chauf­feur is also pro­vid­ed to run the motor car)
Noth­ing is deductible in respect of any amount recov­ered from the


1.2 Where main­te­nances and run­ning expens­es are met by the employee.


If car is used whol­ly and

exclu­sive­ly in the per­for­mance of offi­cial duties.

Not a perquisite, hence, not


Not a perquisite, hence, not


1.2‑B If car is used exclu­sive­ly for the per­son­al pur­pos­es of the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his household Expen­di­ture incurred by the employ­er (i.e. hire charges, if car is on

rent or nor­mal wear and tear at 10% of actu­al cost of the car) plus

salary of chauf­feur if paid or payable by the employ­er minus amount

recov­ered from the employee.



The motor car is used part­ly in the per­for­mance of duties and part­ly for per­son­al pur­pos­es of the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his household Rs. 600 per month (plus Rs. 900 per month, if chauf­feur is also pro­vid­ed to run the motor car) Rs. 900 per month (plus Rs. 900

per month, if chauf­feur is also

pro­vid­ed to run the motor car)

Noth­ing is deductible in respect of any amount recov­ered from the


2 Motor Car is owned by the employee
2.1 Where main­te­nances and run­ning expens­es includ­ing remu­ner­a­tion of the chauf­feur are met or

reim­bursed by the employer.



The reim­burse­ment is for the use of the vehi­cle whol­ly and exclu­sive­ly for offi­cial purposes Ful­ly exempt sub­ject to

main­te­nance of specified


Ful­ly exempt sub­ject to main­te­nance of spec­i­fied documents
2.1‑B The reim­burse­ment is for the use of the vehi­cle exclu­sive­ly for the per­son­al pur­pos­es of

the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his household

Actu­al expen­di­ture incurred by the employ­er minus amount

recov­ered from the employee



The reim­burse­ment is for the use of the vehi­cle part­ly for offi­cial pur­pos­es and partly

for per­son­al pur­pos­es of the employ­ee or any mem­ber of his household.

Actu­al expen­di­ture incurred by the employ­er minus Rs. 1800 per month and Rs. 900 per month if chauf­fer is also pro­vid­ed minus amount recov­ered from employee. Actu­al expen­di­ture incurred by

the employ­er minus Rs. 2400

per month and Rs. 900 per month if chauf­fer is also pro­vid­ed minus amount recov­ered from employee.

3 Where the employ­ee owns any oth­er auto­mo­tive con­veyance and actu­al run­ning and

main­te­nance charges are met or reim­bursed by the employer

3.1 Reim­burse­ment for the use of the vehi­cle whol­ly and exclu­sive­ly for offi­cial purposes; Ful­ly exempt sub­ject to

main­te­nance of spec­i­fied documents

Ful­ly exempt sub­ject to

main­te­nance of spec­i­fied documents

3.2 Reim­burse­ment for the use of vehi­cle part­ly for offi­cial pur­pos­es and part­ly for per­son­al pur­pos­es of the employee. Actu­al expen­di­ture incurred by the employ­er minus Rs. 900 per month minus amount recov­ered from employee Not Applic­a­ble
2. Edu­ca­tion­al Facilities

Tax­able only in the hands of spec­i­fied employ­ees [See note 4]




Val­ue of perquisite
Pro­vid­ed in the school owned by the employer Pro­vid­ed in any oth­er school
Chil­dren Cost of such edu­ca­tion in sim­i­lar school less Rs.

1,000 per month per child (irre­spec­tive of num­bers of chil­dren) less amount recov­ered from employee

Amount incurred less amount recov­ered from employ­ee (an exemp­tion of Rs. 1,000 per month per child is allowed)



Cost of such edu­ca­tion in sim­i­lar school less amount recov­ered from employee Cost of such edu­ca­tion incurred
2.1 Oth­er Edu­ca­tion­al Facilities
Par­tic­u­lars Tax­able Val­ue of Perquisites
Reim­burse­ment of school fees of chil­dren or fam­i­ly mem­ber of employees Ful­ly taxable
Free edu­ca­tion­al facilities/ train­ing of employees Ful­ly exempt
3. Employ­ees Prov­i­dent Fund

Tax treat­ment in respect of con­tri­bu­tions made to and pay­ment from var­i­ous prov­i­dent funds are summarized

in the table giv­en below:

Par­tic­u­lars Statu­to­ry prov­i­dent fund Rec­og­nized prov­i­dent fund Unrec­og­nized

prov­i­dent fund


Prov­i­dent fund

Employ­ers con­tri­bu­tion to

prov­i­dent fund

Ful­ly Exempt Exempt only to the extent of 12% of salary* Ful­ly Exempt -
Deduc­tion under sec­tion 80C

on employ­ees contribution

Avail­able Avail­able Unavail­able Avail­able
Inter­est cred­it­ed to provident


Ful­ly Exempt Exempt only to the extent rate of inter­est does not exceed 9.5% Ful­ly Exempt Ful­ly Exempt
Pay­ment received at the time

of retire­ment or ter­mi­na­tion of service

Ful­ly Exempt Ful­ly Exempt (Sub­ject to cer­tain con­di­tions and circumstances) Ful­ly Taxable

(except employee’s


Ful­ly Exempt
  • Salary = Basic Pay + Dear­ness Allowance (to the extent it forms part of retire­ment ben­e­fits) + turnover

based com­mis­sion Pay­ment from rec­og­nized prov­i­dent fund shall be exempt in the hands of employ­ees in fol­low­ing circumstances:

  1. a) If employ­ee has ren­dered con­tin­ue ser­vice with his employ­er (includ­ing pre­vi­ous employ­er, when PF

account is trans­ferred to cur­rent employ­er) for a peri­od of 5 years or more

  1. b) If employ­ee has been ter­mi­nat­ed because of cer­tain rea­sons which are beyond his con­trol (ill health,

dis­con­tin­u­a­tion of busi­ness of employ­er, etc.)

  1. Spec­i­fied Employee

The fol­low­ing employ­ees are deemed as spec­i­fied employees:

1) A director-employee

2) An employ­ee who has sub­stan­tial inter­est (i.e. ben­e­fi­cial own­er of equi­ty shares car­ry­ing 20% or more vot­ing pow­er) in the employer-company

3) An employ­ee whose mon­e­tary income* under the salary exceeds Rs. 50,000

*Mon­e­tary Income means Income charge­able under the salary but exclud­ing perquisite val­ue of all non­mon­e­tary perquisites

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