GST Rules

List of Documents Required for Applying for TDS Deductor Registration under GST

List of doc­u­ments to be uploaded (not applic­a­ble to a depart­ment or estab­lish­ment of the Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment or State Gov­ern­ment or Local Author­i­ty or Gov­ern­men­tal agencies):-


Proof of Prin­ci­pal Place of Business:

  • For Own premises –

Any doc­u­ment in sup­port of the own­er­ship of the premis­es like lat­est Prop­er­ty Tax Receipt or Munic­i­pal Kha­ta copy or copy of Elec­tric­i­ty Bill.

  • For Rent­ed or Leased premises –

A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agree­ment with any doc­u­ment in sup­port of the own­er­ship of the premis­es of the Lessor like Lat­est Prop­er­ty Tax Receipt or Munic­i­pal Kha­ta copy or copy of Elec­tric­i­ty Bill.

  • For premis­es not cov­ered in (a) and (b) above –

A copy of the Con­sent Let­ter with any doc­u­ment in sup­port of the own­er­ship of the premis­es of the Con­sen­ter like Munic­i­pal Kha­ta copy or Elec­tric­i­ty Bill copy. For shared prop­er­ties also, the same doc­u­ments may be uploaded.

  • For rented/leased premis­es where the Rent/lease agree­ment is not avail­able, an affi­davit to that effect along with any doc­u­ment in sup­port of the pos­ses­sion of the premis­es like copy of Electricity

If the prin­ci­pal place of busi­ness is locat­ed in an Spe­cial Eco­nom­ic Zone or the appli­cant is an Spe­cial Eco­nom­ic Zone devel­op­er, nec­es­sary documents/certificates issued by Gov­ern­ment of India are required to be uploaded.

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