List of Documents Reuired for GST Registration of Non Resident Taxable Person
List of documents to be uploaded as evidence are as follows:-
(a) For own premises –
Any document in support of the ownership of the premises like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. (b) For Rented or Leased premises – A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agreement with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Lessor like latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill. © For premises not covered in (a) and (b) above – A copy of the Consent Letter with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Consenter like Municipal Khata copy or Electricity Bill copy. For shared properties also, the same documents may be uploaded. |
2. | Proof of Non-resident taxable person:
Scanned copy of the passport of the Non ‑resident taxable person with VISA details. In case of a business entity incorporated or established outside India, the application for registration shall be submitted along with its tax identification number or unique number on the basis of which the entity is identified by the Government of that country or it’s Permanent Account Number, if available. |
3 | Bank Account related proof:
Scanned copy of the first page of Bank passbook or the relevant page of Bank Statement or Scanned copy of a cancelled cheque containing name of the Proprietor or Business entity, Bank Account No., MICR, IFSC and Branch details including code. |
4 | Authorisation Form:-
For each Authorised Signatory mentioned in the application form, Authorisation or copy of Resolution of the Managing Committee or Board of Directors to be filed in the following format:Declaration for Authorised Signatory (Separate for each signatory) (Details of Proprietor/all Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc.)I/We — (name) being (Partners/Karta/Managing Directors and whole time Director/Members of Managing Committee of Associations/Board of Trustees etc.) of …… (name of registered person) hereby solemnly affirm and declare that «name of the authorised signatory, (status/designation)» is hereby authorised, vide resolution no… dated….. (Copy submitted herewith), to act as an authorised signatory for the business « Goods and Services Tax Identification Number — Name of the Business» for which application for registration is being filed under the Act. All his actions in relation to this business will be binding on me/ us. Signature of the person competent to sign Name: Designation/Status: (Name of the proprietor/Business Entity) Acceptance as an authorised signatory Acceptance as an authorised signatory
I «(Name of the authorised signatory» hereby solemnly accord my acceptance to act as authorised signatory for the above referred business and all my acts shall be binding on the business. Signature of Authorised Signatory Place: Date: Designation/Status: |