MCA Forms which needs pre-certification by CA, CS or CMA
In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 396,398, 399, 403 and section 404, read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013. The Central Government had declared that following Forms will need pre certification CA, CS or CMA.
The following e‑forms filed by companies, other than one person companies and small companies, under sub-rule (1) of rule 9, shall be pre-certified by the Chartered Accountant or the Company Secretary or as the case may be the Cost Accountant, in whole-time practice, namely:‑ INC-21, INC-22, INC-28, PAS‑3, SH‑7, CI-IG‑1, CUG‑4, CIG‑9, MGT-14, I)IR‑6, DIR-12, MR‑1, MR‑2, MSC‑1, MSC‑3, MSC‑4, GNI,-3, ADT‑1, NDI‑1–1, NDH‑2, NDH‑3;
The following e‑forms filed by companies, other than one person companies and small companies, under sub-rule (1) of rule 9, shall be pre-certified in the following manner, namely:‑
(i) GNL‑1 – optional pre-certification by the Chartered Accountant or the Company Secretary or as the case may be the Cost Accountant, in whole-time practice;
(ii) DPT‑3 ‑certification by Auditors of the company;
(iii) MGT-10 – certification by a Company Secretary in whole-time practice;
(iv) AOC-4- certification by a Chartered Accountant in whole-time practice;
E‑form DIR‑3 shall be filed along with attestation of photograph, identity proof and proof of residence of the applicant by the Chartered Accountant or the Company Secretary or as the case may be the Cost Accountant, in whole-time practice.”