NHAI intends to appoint a firm of Chartered Accountants, for HQ as its Internal Auditors for the financial year 2014 ‑15 and 2015–2016 extendable to 3r d , 4th and 5th year on satisfactory performance at the discretion of NHAI. Accordingly, NHAI invites proposal from the eligible Firms of Chartered Accountants (hereinafter referred as Bidder) to enable NHAI for selection of Internal Auditor.
The online payment facility for the submission of registration charges and tender processing fee of Rs.405/- payable to e‑tender service provider, M/s C 1 India Pvt Ltd. (detailed address given below) has been enabled on e‑tender portal The Bidders are required to pay registration charges and tender processing fee through e‑payment gateway using Credit Card/Debit Card/Master Card/Visa Card and Net Banking etc Demand Draft will not be accepted for payment of annual registration charges and tender processing fee to M/s C 1 India Pvt Ltd. (the e‑tender service provider). The Bidders, who have already obtained such valid user ID and Password for any other tender of the Authority, need not obtain fresh user ID and Password for the purpose of participation in the bidding under this RFP. However, the bidder has to register them self with C 1 India Pvt Ltd.
E‑tender Service Provider:
M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd. C‑104 Sector 2 Noida-201301, (U.P) India (E‑ Fax No: +91–120-4746810, Ph No: +91–120-4746800)
The partner signing the bids shall only be the digital signatory. In case partner signing the bids and digital signatory are not the same, the bid shall be considered as non-responsive.
The Bidders will be allowed to download the Bid documents up to 17:00 hrs of one day prior of the Bid Due Date. The downloading facility of Bids on e- tendering portal will be available even if the day prior to the Bid due date falls on Saturday / Sunday / Holiday.
Bid documents can be downloaded from e‑tender portal of NHAI from 29.09.2014 to 28.10.2014 (17:00 Hrs.)
Bid documents comprising the bidding procedure and contract terms and conditions are available for view and downloading from the e‑tender portal of NHAI ( by the Bidders without any cost.