

NHAI intends to appoint a firm of Char­tered Accoun­tants, for HQ as its Inter­nal Audi­tors for the finan­cial year 2014 ‑15 and 2015–2016 extend­able to 3r d , 4th and 5th year on sat­is­fac­to­ry per­for­mance at the dis­cre­tion of NHAI. Accord­ing­ly, NHAI invites pro­pos­al from the eli­gi­ble Firms of Char­tered Accoun­tants (here­inafter referred as Bid­der) to enable NHAI for selec­tion of Inter­nal Auditor.

The online pay­ment facil­i­ty for the sub­mis­sion of reg­is­tra­tion charges and ten­der pro­cess­ing fee of Rs.405/- payable to e‑tender ser­vice provider, M/s C 1 India Pvt Ltd. (detailed address giv­en below) has been enabled on e‑tender por­tal https://nhai.eproc.in. The Bid­ders are required to pay reg­is­tra­tion charges and ten­der pro­cess­ing fee through e‑payment gate­way using Cred­it Card/Debit Card/Master Card/Visa Card and Net Bank­ing etc Demand Draft will not be accept­ed for pay­ment of annu­al reg­is­tra­tion charges and ten­der pro­cess­ing fee to M/s C 1 India Pvt Ltd. (the e‑tender ser­vice provider). The Bid­ders, who have already obtained such valid user ID and Pass­word for any oth­er ten­der of the Author­i­ty, need not obtain fresh user ID and Pass­word for the pur­pose of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the bid­ding under this RFP. How­ev­er, the bid­der has to reg­is­ter them self with C 1 India Pvt Ltd.

E‑tender Ser­vice Provider:

M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd. C‑104 Sec­tor 2 Noi­da-201301, (U.P) India (E‑Mail:nhaihelpdesk@c1india.com) Fax No: +91–120-4746810, Ph No: +91–120-4746800)

The part­ner sign­ing the bids shall only be the dig­i­tal sig­na­to­ry. In case part­ner sign­ing the bids and dig­i­tal sig­na­to­ry are not the same, the bid shall be con­sid­ered as non-responsive.

The Bid­ders will be allowed to down­load the Bid doc­u­ments up to 17:00 hrs of one day pri­or of the Bid Due Date. The down­load­ing facil­i­ty of Bids on e- ten­der­ing por­tal will be avail­able even if the day pri­or to the Bid due date falls on Sat­ur­day / Sun­day / Holiday.

Bid doc­u­ments can be down­loaded from e‑tender por­tal of NHAI https://nhai.eproc.in from 29.09.2014 to 28.10.2014 (17:00 Hrs.)

Bid doc­u­ments com­pris­ing the bid­ding pro­ce­dure and con­tract terms and con­di­tions are avail­able for view and down­load­ing from the e‑tender por­tal of NHAI (https://nhai.eproc.in) by the Bid­ders with­out any cost.

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