Company Law

Nearly 9.87 lakh companies are active as per MCA

Out of 14 lakh reg­is­tered com­pa­nies only about 9.87 lakh enti­ties were active at the end of August, accord­ing to offi­cial data. Out of the total reg­is­tered com­pa­nies, near­ly 2.60 lakh have been closed down while thou­sands of enti­ties are in the process of wind­ing up.

Cor­po­rates are reg­is­tered under the Com­pa­nies Act, which is imple­ment­ed by the Cor­po­rate Affairs Min­istry. Lat­est data from the Min­istry show that there were about 9.87 lakh active com­pa­nies as on August 31 and the fig­ure includes 1.27 lakh firms which were incor­po­rat­ed with­in the last one-and-a-half years.

As on August 31, 2014, the num­ber of com­pa­nies reg­is­tered under the Com­pa­nies Act was 14.16 lakhs. Of these, 2.59 lakh com­pa­nies were closed and 27,218 com­pa­nies are in the process of being closed,” as per the Min­istry’s lat­est month­ly newsletter.

Besides, around 1.42 lakh com­pa­nies were clas­si­fied as ‘dor­mant’ — those which have not filed their annu­al statu­to­ry fil­ings for more than three con­sec­u­tive years.

Mean­while, a total of 6,676 new com­pa­nies were reg­is­tered in August and their autho­rised cap­i­tal stood at Rs 1,006 crore.

Under the cat­e­go­ry of com­pa­nies reg­is­tered as lim­it­ed by shares, Del­hi had max­i­mum num­ber of reg­is­tra­tions (1,250) fol­lowed by Maha­rash­tra (1,199) and Uttar Pradesh (514).

Eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty-wise max­i­mum num­ber of com­pa­nies (2,878) were reg­is­tered under Busi­ness Ser­vices (IT and R&D),” the Min­istry said.

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