Notice Inviting Tender for Appointment of Concurrent Auditors for the year 2014–2015 Of BIHAR STATE ELECTRONICS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED
No.:- 6185/14
Beltron Bhaman, Shmtri Nagar, Patna-800023
Notice Inviting Tender for Appointment of Concurrent Auditors for the year 2014–2015
Bihar State Electronics Development Corporation Limited is a Govt. Bihar Undertaking registered Linder Companies Act 1956 having the nodal agency of State Govt. to procure,Installation. of Computer & Peripherals and also support to supply the Systerms to the various Govt. Department. B.S.E.D.C. successfully implemented e‑Tendering in Govt. Departments of Govt. of Bihar.
BSEDC also looks after the online process of State Treasury, Commercial Taxes Deptt.BSWAN. CSC. Seclan, Modernization or Prison, e‑District, SSDG Project, Capacity Building Scheme etc.
Interested CA Firm MON’ obtain NIT & Tender Documents from the 0 like o F Chief Accounts Office Bihar State Electronics Development Corporation Limited, Beltran Bhawan, Shastri Nagar, Paukr-800023 free of cost on any working day from 10:30 to 5:30 P.M. Alternatively., the NIT & Tender Documents can be downloaded from our website:
The tender, duly completed with firm profile must reach latest by 3:00 P.M. on 29-12-2014 at office of the BSEDC. The bidders, in their own interest, are advised to deliver the bids personally to the BSEDC. Alternatively they may send the same through registered BSEDC will not be responsible for any delay wrong delivery or non delivery of the bids due to any reason. Separate envelope should be used for financial bid and technical bid and the same should be marked on the face of the envelope.
The Technical Bid shall be opened at 4:00 P.M. on 29-12-2014 in the office of B.S.E.D.C. in presence of the authorized representative of the firm who may wish to be present.
Financial Bids of only technically qualified firms will be opened.
- For further details about. the Tender, please refer at our website
- Pre Bid meeting will be held at 4:00 P.M. on J5-12–2014 at BSEDC, Patna.
(BSEDC management can cancel this Tender at point of time by whatsoever reasons it deemed fit).