CD Notification

NOTIFICATION No. 10/2015-Customs

NOTIFICATION No. 10/2015-Cus­toms

New Del­hi, the 1st March, 2015

G.S. R. (E).-In exer­cise of the pow­ers con­ferred by sub-sec­tion (1) of sec­tion 25 of the Cus­toms Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment being sat­is­fied that it is nec­es­sary in the pub­lic inter­est so to do, here­by makes the fol­low­ing fur­ther amend­ments in the noti­fi­ca­tion of the Gov­ern­ment of India in the Min­istry of Finance (Depart­ment of Rev­enue) No. 12/2012-Cus­toms, dat­ed the 17th March, 2012, pub­lished in the Gazette of India, Extra­or­di­nary, Part II, Sec­tion 3, Sub-sec­tion (i), vide G.S.R.185(E), dat­ed the 17th March, 2012, namely:-

In the said notification,-

(A) in the Table,-

(i) after S.No. 113 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

113A. 2528 Ulex­ite Ore Nil - -”;

(ii) against S.No. 125, for the entry in col­umn (4), the entry “ 5%” shall be substituted;

(iii) after S.No. 142B and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely:-

142C. 2711 13 00 Butanes 2.5% - -”;

(iv) after S.No. 157 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

157A. 2807 00 10 Sul­phuric acid for the man­u­fac­ture of fertilizers 5% - -”;

(v) against S.No. 173D, for the entry in col­umn (3), the entry “All goods” shall be substituted;

(vi) against S.No. 175, for the entry in col­umn (4), the entry “2%” shall be substituted;

(vii) against S.No. 177, for the entry in col­umn (4), the entry “2%” shall be substituted;

(viii) against S.No. 178, for the entry in col­umn (4), the entry “2%” shall be substituted;

(ix) after S.No. 181 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.Nos. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely:-

181A. 2914 61 00 Anthraquinone 2.5% - -
181B. 2916 12 10 Butyl acry­late 5% - -”;

(x) after S. No. 247 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.Nos. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

247A. 3919 90 90 Water block­ing tape for use in the man­u­fac­ture of insu­lat­ed wires and cables falling under head­ing 8544 (except sub-head­ing 8544 11) 7.5% - 5
247B. 4002 70 00 Eth­yl­ene — propy­lene — non-con­ju­gat­ed diene rub­ber (EPDM) for use in the man­u­fac­ture of insu­lat­ed wires and cables falling under head­ing 8544 (except sub-head­ing 8544 11) 7.5% - 5
247C. 6814 90 90 Mica glass tape for use in the man­u­fac­ture of insu­lat­ed wires and cables falling under head­ing 8544 (except sub-head­ing 8544 11) 7.5% - 5”;

(xi) after S.No. 329 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely:-

329A. 72 All goods 10% - -”;

(xii) after S.No. 334 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.Nos. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely:-

334A. 73 All goods 10% - -
334B. 7325 Met­al parts for use in the man­u­fac­ture of elec­tri­cal insu­la­tors falling under head­ing 8546 7.5% - 5”;

(xiii) after S.No. 344 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

344A. 8110 10 00, 8110 20 00 All goods 2.5% - -”;

(xiv) after S.No. 371 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.Nos. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely:-

371A. 2825 60 20 Ceria zir­co­nia com­pounds for use in the man­u­fac­ture of wash­coat for cat­alyt­ic converters 5% - 5
371B. 2846 10 90 Ceri­um com­pounds for use in the man­u­fac­ture of wash­coat for cat­alyt­ic converters 5% - 5
371C. 3824 90 90 Zeo­lite for use in the man­u­fac­ture of wash­coat for cat­alyt­ic converters 5% - 5”;

(xv) against S. No. 394, in col­umn (5) for the entry “Nil”, the entry “-” shall be substituted;

(xvi) after S.No. 399 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.Nos. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

399A. 8414 90 11 The fol­low­ing goods for use in the man­u­fac­ture of refrig­er­a­tor com­pres­sor falling under tar­iff item 8414 30 00, namely:-(i) C‑Block compressor;(ii) Crankshafts. 5% - -
399B. 8536 20 90 Over Load Pro­tec­tor (OLP) and pos­i­tive ther­mal coef­fi­cient for use in the man­u­fac­ture of refrig­er­a­tor com­pres­sor falling under tar­iff item 8414 30 00 5% - -
399C. 8419 Evac­u­at­ed tubes with three lay­ers of solar selec­tive coat­ing for use in the man­u­fac­ture of solar water heater and system Nil - 5”;

(xvii) after S.No. 406A and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.Nos. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely:-

406B. 8483 40 00 Ball screws for use in the man­u­fac­ture of CNC Lath­es (tar­iff item 8458 11 00, 8458 91 00) or Machin­ing Cen­tres (tar­iff item 8457 10 10, 8457 10 20) 2.5% - 5
406C. 8466 93 90 Lin­ear Motion Guides for use in the man­u­fac­ture of CNC Lath­es (tar­iff item 8458 11 00, 8458 91 00) or Machin­ing Cen­tres (tar­iff item 8457 10 10, 8457 10 20) 2.5% - 5
406D. 8537 10 00 CNC Sys­tems for use in the man­u­fac­ture of CNC Lath­es (tar­iff item 8458 11 00, 8458 91 00) or Machin­ing Cen­tres (tar­iff item 8457 10 10, 8457 10 20) 2.5% - 5”;

(xvi­ii) after S.No 407 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

407A. 84 or any oth­er Chapter (a) Parts, com­po­nents or acces­sories for use in the man­u­fac­ture of tablet computer.

(b) Sub-parts for use in the man­u­fac­ture of items men­tioned at (a) above.

Nil Nil Nil Nil 5


(xix) against S.No. 408, for the entry in col­umn (2), the entries “8472 90 or 8473 40” shall be substituted.

(xx) after S.No. 424 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

424A. 8504 Active Ener­gy Con­troller (AEC) for use in man­u­fac­ture of Renew­able Pow­er Sys­tem (RPS) inverters 5% - 46”;

(xxi) after S.No. 428 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

428A. 8525 80 20 Dig­i­tal Still Image Video Cam­eras capa­ble of record­ing video with min­i­mum res­o­lu­tion of 800 x 600 pix­els, at min­i­mum 23 frames per sec­ond, for at least 30 min­utes in a sin­gle sequence, using the max­i­mum stor­age (includ­ing the expand­ed) capacity. Nil - -”;

(xxii) against S.No. 429, for the entry in col­umn (4), the entry “Nil” shall be substituted;

(xxi­ii) against S.No. 432, for the entry in col­umn (3), the entry “LCD (Liq­uid crys­tal dis­play), LED (Light Emit­ting Diode) or OLED (Organ­ic LED) TV pan­els,” shall be substituted;

(xxiv) against S.No. 432B, in col­umn (3), after item (xi), item “(xii) Black Light Unit Mod­ule” shall be inserted;

(xxv) against S.No. 433, for the entry in col­umn (4), the entry “Nil” shall be substituted;

(xxvi) after S.No. 436 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.Nos. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely:-

436A. 8702 or 8704

Motor vehi­cles: (a) If import­ed as a Com­plete­ly Knocked Down (CKD) kit con­tain­ing all the nec­es­sary com­po­nents, parts or sub-assem­blies, for assem­bling a com­plete vehi­cle with engine, gear­box and trans­mis­sion mech­a­nism not in a pre-assem­bled con­di­tion; (b) in a form oth­er than (a) above

10% 20% - -
436B. 8702

Elec­tri­cal­ly oper­at­ed vehi­cles whether import­ed in a Com­plete­ly Knocked Down (CKD) kit con­tain­ing all the nec­es­sary com­po­nents, parts or sub-assem­blies, for assem­bling a com­plete kit with engine, gear­box and trans­mis­sion mech­a­nism not in a pre-assem­bled con­di­tion or not.

10% - -”;

(xxvii) after S. No. 474 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

474A. 90 or any oth­er Chapter

The fol­low­ing goods for use in the man­u­fac­ture of Flex­i­ble Med­ical Video Endo­scope (head­ing 9018), name­ly:- (i). CCD/CMOS Cam­era Sen­sor; (ii). Main print­ed cir­cuit board of CCD/CMOS Cam­era Sen­sor; (iii). Objec­tive Lens for CCD/CMOS Cam­era Sen­sor; (iv). Light Guide/Image Guide opti­cal fiber bun­dle; (v). Ultra­sound Trans­duc­er; (vi). Main print­ed cir­cuit board of Ultra­sound Transducer.

2.5% - 5”;

(xxvi­ii) against S.No. 480,-

(i). for the entry in col­umn (4), the entry “Nil” shall be substituted;

(ii). for the entry in col­umn (5), the entry “Nil” shall be substituted;

(xxix) after S.No.. 488 and the entries relat­ing there­to, the fol­low­ing S.No. and entries shall be insert­ed, namely :-

488A. 90 or any oth­er Chapter The fol­low­ing goods for use in the man­u­fac­ture of pace­mak­ers (tar­iff item 9021 50 00), namely:-(i). Bat­tery; (ii). Tita­ni­um; (iii). Pal­la­di­um wire;(iv). Eutec­tic Wire ;(v). Sil­i­cone Resins and Sil­i­cone Rub­bers; (vi). Sol­der Paste; (vii). Reed Switch; (viii). Diodes; (ix). Tran­sis­tors; (x). Capac­i­tors; (xi). Con­trollers; (xii). Coils(steel) ; (xiii). Tub­ing (sil­i­cone). - Nil 5”;

(B) after the Table, in the proviso,-

(i) in clause (g), for the fig­ures, let­ters and words “31st day of March, 2015”, the fig­ures, let­ters and words “1st day of April 2016” shall be substituted;

(ii) in clause (h), for the fig­ures, let­ters and words “31st day of March, 2015”, the fig­ures, let­ters and words “1st day of April 2016” shall be substituted;

© in the ANNEXURE,-

(i) in Con­di­tion No. 10, under head­ing “Con­di­tions”, for the “Form”, the fol­low­ing “Form” shall be sub­sti­tut­ed, namely:-


Cer­tifi­cate No.…………. of ………….. (year)

Cer­ti­fied that the drug / medicine………………….(name of the drug / med­i­cine) being import­ed by ……………….….….….…… is a life sav­ing drug / med­i­cine and exemp­tion from the pay­ment of cus­toms duty is recommended.

This cer­tifi­cate shall be valid for one or more imports with­in the peri­od of one year from the date of its issue.

Sig­na­ture with date of Direc­tor Gen­er­al / Deputy Direc­tor Gen­er­al / Assis­tant Direc­tor Gen­er­al, Health Ser­vices, New Del­hi or Direc­tor of Health Ser­vices or Dis­trict Med­ical Officer/Civil Surgeon.”.

(ii) in Con­di­tion No.93, under head­ing “Con­di­tions”, in sub-clause (a) of clause (ii), for the words “a term of thir­ty six months or more”, the words “a term of six­ty six months” shall be substituted;

(D) in List 5, for item (11), the fol­low­ing item shall be sub­sti­tut­ed, namely:-

(11) Nylon-12 / Ether Ester Elas­tomer / High Den­si­ty Poly­eth­yl­ene (HDPE)” .

[F. No. 334/5/2015-TRU]

(Akshay Joshi)

Under Sec­re­tary to the Gov­ern­ment of India

Note.- The prin­ci­pal noti­fi­ca­tion No. 12/2012-Cus­toms, dat­ed the 17th March, 2012 was pub­lished in the Gazette of India, Extra­or­di­nary, Part II, Sec­tion 3, Sub-sec­tion (i), vide, num­ber G.S.R. 185(E), dat­ed the 17th March, 2012 and last amend­ed by noti­fi­ca­tion No, 03/2015-Cus­toms, dat­ed the 7th Jan­u­ary, 2015, pub­lished in the Gazette of India, Extra­or­di­nary, Part II, Sec­tion 3, Sub-sec­tion (i), vide, num­ber G.S.R 14(E), dat­ed the 7th Jan­u­ary, 2015.

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