Offline tenders are invited to engage a Chartered Accountants Firm for Auditing & Reconciliation of accounts of MMTC Employees Co-operative Canteen Society Limited
MMTC Employees Co-operative Canteen Society Ltd.
Core 1, Scope Complex, 7 Industrial Area,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003
No. Admn./MMTC/2014/1z Dated: 28.11.2014
Offline tenders are invited to engage a Chartered Accountants Firm for Auditing & Reconciliation of accounts of MMTC Employees Co-operative Canteen Society Limited on purely contract basis for the period FY 2011-12, FY 2012–13, FY 2013–14 & FY 2014–15 (till 30th September 2014) within a period of 15 days.
Tender document is available in pdf format from website
S. NO. | Milestone | Time & Limits |
1 | Earnest money deposit required | Rs. 1,000/- |
2 | Date of Publication of tender through | 01–12-14 |
3 | Last date & time for submission of tender
(bid) |
08–12-14 up to 12:00 noon |
4 | Time & date for opening of tender | 08–12-14 at 13:00 hours |
Tender documents completed in all respects, must be delivered at in ‘Tender Box’ at reception of DSIIDC office at N‑36, Bombay Life Building, Connaught Circus, New Delhi – 110001.
Deepak Virmani
General Manager –I, DSIIDC &
Administrator, MMTC Employees
Co-operative Canteen Society